Chapter Fifty Five

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Our first party came up as a married couple, this one extended to anyone and everyone as it was a large festival.

Normally royals didn't go in person, but partied at home, but Damon and I never missed it. Well, until our falling out and my marriage to Liam. But now that we were married, we wanted to go again.

Of course, we had to go in disguises, which included magic to alter our appearance.

Damon's hair was turned to a ashy brown, with bright candy apple green eyes while my hair became almost strawberry blonde, with calming brown eyes.

We dressed down, me using illusion magic to cover the surplus of hickeys that spilled over past my neckline.

All and all, no one would be able to tell who were were, just another couple that had become more open since the Duke, now emperor's consort, came out as openly gay.

The festival was to honor many different things, but usually, to honor fallen soldiers. It used to be a very solemn event, but as the years went by, it became more festive, as if the meaning was lost on the people.

Truth was, it was lost on people.

It seemed to just be a yearly event, but for me, I knew about it. And even discussed it with Damon. We made an earlier trip to visit Liam's grave before heading to join the festival.

We merely paid our respects, and left. Liam wouldn't hear our words, but I knew that he could feel our hearts and how they hurt wishing he was still with us.

When we arrived at the festival, floating lights lit up the whole capital, looking like gleaming stars one could touch. It was alive with noise, children laughing, people talking, all sorts of things.

Damon and I loved it when we were younger to just run around and play games at the different booths and eat food we normally didn't. Nobles didn't really care for events like this one, but Damon and I loved it.

"Ah, look at that! It's about the size of your torso!" I exclaimed quietly as we walked by a nearby booth.

"It is pretty big. It would definitely stand out in our room," he pointed out.

"But, future wise, if we adopt..."

Damon seemed to take that into consideration... "then we'll come back with our future kids and let them pick it out."

"Alright, that's fair," I admitted. We stopped at a stall to but some kebabs. Our favorite festival food.

The people were so nice to us, not finding any issue with two guys holding hands and walking around together.

Times have changed, huh?

When we finished our snack, we found ourselves sitting along one of the manny benches, leaning against each other.

"I've missed these festivals," I admitted softly.

"I've missed them too. But we have so many years ahead of us to go."

True. As we sat together, another couple approached us.

"You two enjoying the festival as well?" They asked.

They seemed to be another gay couple, two men hand in hand, both holy with each other.

"We are. We haven't had the chance to attend for awhile, so we're making up for lost time," Damon admitted, smiling at me.

"They are wonderful. And the people here are so sweet to us. The emperor's husband really paved the way for us, huh?" The shorter one said sweetly.

The taller one pipped in, "and they seem to love each other. Did you have the chance to see them on their wedding day?"

"They were stunning! The emperor really seems to love his husband," the shorter one agreed.

"They did seem rather lovely. Hopefully they can pass an adoption law soon. My husband and I really want to have kids someday," I got out, not really thinking about it.

"Definitely! And have you two been married long?" The shorter one asked.

"Ah, we actually only got married a few months ago. We have been together for well over a year though," Damon informed.

The couple seemed delighted at that. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you two. I'm Taylor and this is my husband Ryan." The short one introduced.

"I'm Isaiah, this is my husband Damon."

The two smiled brightly and hilariously enough, it took a second to process what exactly we said.


Both Damon and I laughed a bit. "Sorry for springing that on you. We're wearing disguises because we didn't want to stand out too much. And if we came as the emperor and his husband... we'd have to be trailed by guards."

"You guys don't act like nobles at all, I would've never guessed..." Taylor muttered.

"No, no, we understand. It throws off most people. I hate stuffy meetings and try to avoid them if I can," I admit.

"So you do avoid them on purpose?" Damon teased.

I rolled my eyes, "I've avoided all meetings even as Duke. Which I probably shouldn't..."

"So you two come to this every year?" Ryan asked.

"Of course. We have since we were kids. The disguises have always been necessary too."

Both men looked shocked. Ryan even expressed this, "it's not common for any noble to come to this event."

"Yeah, but I always enjoyed having a day to be more... normal I suppose. Not worry about the lessons, stressing about social parties I really don't care for. It's A day to be free."

"Everyone is well aware of your distaste of social events," Damon said jokingly.

I shot back, "you never cared for them much either. Not like we can sneakily avoid them anymore."

"Nobles who hate social events, a rare breed," Taylor eventually got out. Both men still recovering that the newlywed royals were sitting in front of them. The same royals who admitted they wanted to adopt eventually.

If they were talking about adoption laws... that meant it was already being planned.

"You two are... glory be the empire. We wish you two a wonderful evening," Ryan said.

"Same to you. Maybe we'll see you two around someday, you seem delightful."

At that, the two men blushed out of shock. Obviously Damon and I weren't flirting with them, they understood that. But we were friendly with them, and they did seem nice.

They quickly scurried off with their goodbyes.

And the rest of the night actually ended up similarly. We'd talk to people, either Damon or myself, possibly both of us would slip up about who we were and the people we were talking to would leave flabbergasted.

Still, the event was fun. By the end of the night, eyes watched us, aware of who we were. And when the festival drew so close to it's end, out disguises vanished, and we were none the wiser.

The dancing, the food, the games. Everything about the festival made us feel so overly happy.

We hoped we'd be able to see it together for many years to come.

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