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Jaden sits on his bed and I sit at his gaming area in his spiny chair. I spin around and both of us brain storm ideas for the project. After 5 minutes, Jaden's already annoyed.

Jaden: Ughhh... this is boring!

*I laugh*

Me: Well what do you want to do?

Jaden: I mean, I got a couple of ideas...

I throw a pillow at him that I have been holding the whole time and he dodges it.

Me: That was fucking gross! Plus you have a girlfriend and I will NOT help you cheat on her!

Jaden: What! I don't have a girlfriend!

Me: That's not what Mads told me! She got really mad that I was even just talking to you!

*I look down remembering the past events and Jaden storms out of his room. I get confused and a second after, I hear the front door slam shut. I get even more confused and walk to Jaden's room door. I see head lights leave the drive way and I sigh. I sit back down in Jaden's chair and start to do the project. After 10 minutes I realize that I'm in Jaden's room alone and that's kinda weird. I grab all of my things and go downstairs. As I am walking down the stairs, I see all of the boys sitting in the living room. Once I reach the stairs I say bye to all of them.*

Me: Bye everyone! Thank you for having me!

Blake: So soon?

*I laugh*

Me: Well, Jaden just left and I thought it would we weird if I stayed!

Kio: Come on, hang with us for a little!

*I shake my head*

Me: I don't know guys...

Josh: Come on Lilli!

*I give in*

Me: Fine! Only for a little!

*Everyone laughs as I put my bag down and head over to them. I sit in between Josh and Blake*

Me: So... all of you guys like, live here?

Quinton: Yeah, it's really fun!

*I laugh*

Me: I bet! My parents are always on the road and I'm all alone!

*Its quiet for a minute until I break the silence*

Me: But it's ok cause I have a doggy named Marley!

*Everyone laughs and we all start talking again*

Noah: So Lilli, make any new friends?

Me: You sound like a dad but yeah! I think you guys know them? Riley, Cynthia, Dixie, Nessa and now you guys I guess!

Anthony: Why did you move?

*I look down, not wanting to tell them about Chase*

Me: I-um, my dad got asked to move here so we had to move.

Josh: That must have sucked having to leave your friends and all.

Me: Yeah, but it was for the best, I wanted a fresh start!

*They look at me confused*

Josh: Why?

Me: Long story short, a lot of people didn't like me so it was better that we moved anyway!

I lied.

Blake: Why didn't they like you? You seem really fun!

*I laugh*

Me: Thanks! I was just a different person back then than now!

I lied again.

They all look confused but I try to distract them.

Me: Anyway... any thing else you guys want to ask?

Kio:  Ever had a boyfriend?

My smile slowly fades as I get flash backs of what Chase used to do to me. I completely freeze.

Josh: Lilli? Lilli? Lillian?

 I snap out of it and look at the boys with teary eyes.

Me: I-I gotta go!

I get up and start walking towards the door. As I do, Jaden walks in. He see's my face and a look of worry spreads across his.

Jaden: You ok?

*I look down and grab my bag*

Me: Yeah, I-I just gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow.

I walk past him and rush to my car. As soon as I get in it, I lock all of the doors. My breathing is getting heavier and heavier and I know I'm about to have a panic attack and I'm about to cry. I hold my knees up to my chest and cry. I rock back and forth in my car, trying to calm my self down. A minute later, someone taps on my window. I jump and look up to see Josh. My body fills with relief and  I unlock the car door. Josh gets in the passengers seat and looks at me.

Josh: Is everything ok?

I look at him and he can see my tear stained face but I wipe them quickly.

Me: Yeah, I just miss my old place.

Far from the fucking truth. I lied to Josh because I can't tell him or anyone about Chase.

Josh: You sure?

Me: Yeah, I'm totally fine!

I fake a smile and he nods.

Josh: Well, text me if you need anything!

Me: Ok, bye. 

He gets out of my car and waves me off as I back out of the drive way.

Fall For Me- Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now