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Before I entered the bathroom, I shout:

Me: Is anyone in here?

*I get no response so I bring Jaden and Charli into the bathroom. Jaden looks at me with a worried expression.*

Jaden: Is everything ok?

*Charli hands me the bag that holds the make up.*

Charli: I'll be out side ok?

*I nod and she walks out of the bathroom, closing the door behind her. I lock it so no one can come in and look at Jaden. He has tears streaming down his face and so do I.*

Jaden: What's wrong?

*I wipe the tears*


Me: He hurt me Jaden, a lot.

*Jaden looks at me scared.*

Jaden: Where? I don't see any bruises.

*I get a make up wipe and take off my already ruined make up. I take off everything, revealing mu blue and purple bruised face. I turn to look at Jaden with teary eyes and more tears fall from his face.*

Jaden: I-I

*I look at him and shake my head.*

Me: It's ok, you don't have to say anything.

*He nods and we are both crying, a lot. He walks over to me and softly grabs my waist*

He says just above a whisper: Are those the only ones?

*I shake my head softly as even more tears start falling down my face.*

He whispers: Where else?

*I slowly take off my hoodie leaving me with just a bra on. As soon as Jaden saw my body, his face dropped and not in a good way. I have purple and blue marks all over my body. Some on my waist are hand prints from when he raped me and others are from when he hit me. I cry more and softly say:*

Me: Theres more.

Jaden: It's ok, you don't have to.

*I nod and pull down my pants leaving me in a bra and underwear. It was like a bikini so it wasn't awkward. Jaden sees the bruises on my thighs and hips and already knows that he raped me. Saves me to say the words out loud. He hugs me really tight and places me gently on the counter. He rested his hands softly on my hips as my arms are wrapped around his neck. He softly places his forehead on mine and I can feel his tears falling down his cheek and on to my legs.*

Jaden: I'm so sorry-

*I shake my head*

Me: Its not your fault.

*He slowly nods and we stay like that for a while.*


As Lilli showed me her bruises, my body filled with anger but I just wanted to stay with her. I hugged her so tight and placed her body on the counter. It was taking everything in me to not kiss her tight now but I don't want to freak out and thats probably not the best thing for me to do right now. So I just made her feel safe, of tried to. Then the bell rang and she jumped a little bit. I help her tighter to reassure her she is safe and I feel her soon after relax.

Lilli: I should probably get changed again.

*She flashes me a small smile. Even through how broken she is, she finds a way to smie. I don;t know how she does it. She slowly slips out of my arms and gets changed again. AS she was changing, I leant against the counter, still trying to understand everything.*

Me: So, who's the girl?

*She then starts to explain to me everything that happened. She did it slowly but she still did it. She told me who Charli is and what Chase did to her. My body tenses up. I hate that this guy took these girl freedom and innocence. He made them tariffed of life and doesn't even care. It pisses me off.

***LILLI's POV***

I had to take a couple of deep breaths as I was telling Jaden everything but I did it. As I finished talking, I was in tears, I looked over at Jaden and he was staring at the ground with his jaw clenched and his hands balled up into fists. I know he is angry but I just really needed a hug, I walk over to him and stand in between his legs. I wrap my arms around his torso as I lay my head on his chest to hear his heart beat. That alway's calmed me down. He responded by wrapping his arms around my body. I then look up at him to see him looking down at me. The next thing I know is that he smashed his lips on to mine. At first, I was a little shocked but as I started to kiss him back, he pulls away. He looks away with tears in his eyes.

Jaden: I'm so sorry-

*I cut him off*

Me: Jaden?

*He looks at me and I grab his face. Once again, I pushed his lips onto mine. It didn't take him even a second to kiss back. I felt safe when I kissed him and its now officially ok to say I fell in love with Jaden Hossler.

Fall For Me- Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now