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When I get to second period, I already see Jaden in a desk. Beside him, there's an empty desk with his bag on it. I walk over to the empty desk and smile.

Me: Is this seat taken?

*Jaden smiles*

Jaden: Yeah, by you!

*I smile as he moves his bag and I sit down*

Jaden: You and your friends should sit wit us at lunch!

*I laugh*

Me: Yeah, we will- or at least I will!

*He smiles*

Jaden: Good!

We lock eyes for a minute and then I realize what we're doing. Jaden looks at my eyes, then at my lips and back in my eyes. I knew what the next move was and I can't let it happen. I couldn't fall for a guy just to get hurt again and I know Jaden will just use me as one of his hookups and then leave me. I will NOT get hurt again, nope. I look away before he could kiss me.

Me: So, we never really got to start or finish our project last night!

Jaden: Yeah, right I just had to go see Mads.

*I nod and look down*

Jaden: No not like that! I just told her to stop telling people that we are dating. We dated like last year and things just didn't work out and she's now kind of obsessed with me.

*I look up at him and laugh*

Me: I really don't see what she see's in you!

We both laugh and then the teacher comes in and starts teaching.



At lunch, I walked in and in and already saw all of my friends at 1 table, including Sway. I walked over with my tray of food and sit down beside Jaden on one side of me and Nessa on the other. Josh was beside Nessa, Riley was in front of me, the boys and the rest of the girls where scattered around the table. I start eating a little bit, but my stomach starts hurting because I haven't eaten in a while. I put the food down and push the tray away from me cause even just looking at the food makes me want to throw up. Jaden notices and whispers something in my ear.

Jaden: Are you ok?

*I nod and whisper something back*

Me: Just a little tummy ache, I'll be ok.

*He nods*

Josh: So you guys coming to Sway later?

Me: I'm in!

Riley: Me too!

Nessa: I'm down!

Cynthia: Sure!

Dixie: I'll be there!

The boys nod and they all start eating again. Then Mads and Indiana come up to our table. Mads goes up to Jaden and he gets annoyed very easily.

Mads: Hey babe!

Jaden: I'm not your 'babe' anymore! I broke up with you a YEAR ago, leave me alone!

Mads: Feisty today! I'll go but I'll be back later!

*Mads then walks by me with her hand, sliding along my back making me feel uncomfortable.*

Mads: Lilli, did you not eat today? Probably for the better, your already fat enough! If I where you I would lose a couple pounds. No body want's to date a cow.

I have always struggled with self image and when people bring up my weight, it's what caused my eating disorder. 

Jaden: Ok, that's enough Mads!

Indiana: And you also might want to start wearing a little more make up. It might help you look pretty but the chances are still pretty slim! 

I tear up a little cause once again, self image.

Jaden: Ok, stop! Walk away!

Mads: Well, since this is just going to go to waist I better make it useful! 

She grabs my ice tea and pours it all over my head. I stand up quickly as it drips all over my back.

Me: What the fuck Mads!

I run to the bathroom and into the stall. I lock the door and sit on the toilet seat. I cry a little until I hear someone come in. Its Riley.

Riley: Lil, are you ok?

Me: No, not really!

I come out of the stall and look in the mirror. My shirt is covered in iced tea and all I could this about was what Mads said. Am I really that fat? Mads was right, I should start to lose weight. Indiana was right too, I'm so ugly. Maybe a little more make up would help? No body is going to want to date an ugly fat ass like me. Riley then looks at me.

Riley: What are you thinking about?

*I look back at her and lie*

Me: How I'm going to get this stain out!

*Riley laughs*

Riley: Here, this is my extra hoodie from my locker. You can wear it for the rest of the day just give it back to me one day!

Me: Thanks Ry!

Riley: No problem, I just don't know how your going to clean your hair!

Me: Don't worry. Believe it or not, this isn't the first time I have had a drink dumped on my head!

*She laughs*

Riley: Ok, well meet me back at the lunch table!

*I fake a smile and nod*

Me: Ok. 

Fall For Me- Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now