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***JOSH'S POV***

I wake up in the morning and it was finally Saturday. I got changed and went downstairs. I started making protein shakes for the boys and I morning work out. 10 minutes later all the boys come running down the stairs.


*I laughed and joined them. We all drank our shakes and talked.*

Quinton: Where's Jaden?

*I look around the room and realize that Jaden is not in it. I shrug my shoulder.*

Josh: He must be sleeping, I'll go get him!

*Then I remember about Lilli*

Josh: Oh by the way.... Lilli stayed the night cause someone broke into her house and she didn't feel safe. Is it ok with you guys if she stays with us for a couple of weeks?

*They all nod and agree*

Josh: Great!

*I run upstairs and walk into Jaden's room. I was about to scream but then I remember about Lilli so I keep my mouth shut.I open the door and see Lilli and Jaden cuddling. I take a photo and post on my insta story, the tea pages are going to love this! I then go back downstairs and we start out work out*

What Josh post's on his Instagram story:

What Josh post's on his Instagram story:

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I wake up in the morning laying next to Jaden. I smile and watch him sleep. Damn, I could wake up to this every morning, he's a cute sleeper! Uh oh, i'm thinking about Jaden in a romantic way. I can't do that, I can't catch feelings for him. I don't want to mess up what I have with him and I', afraid to have another relationship after Chase. I start to get up but Jaden wakes up. He starts speaking in his croaky morning voice.

Jaden: Morning princess!

*My heart melts as I hear him talk. He was still fast asleep but let me tell you, his voice made my stomach do a 360 turn but I tell my self it's nothing*

Me: Good morning Q-tip!

Jaden: Did you sleep well?

Me: Yeah, probably better than I have in a long time. I missed sleeping next to someone.

Jaden: Me too... do you need anything?

Me: No thanks, lets go downstairs!

Jaden: Ok, just give me a second!

*He runs into the bathroom and 2 minutes later he comes out in just a pair of shorts and a baseball cap that is resting softly on his head. I fight the urge  to not stare at his abs but it's hard.*

Me: Where are you going dressed like that?

*I say chuckling*

Jaden: Morning work out with the boys! Duh!

*He laughs and runs downstairs. I stay in his room for a couple seconds and put on the hoodie I was wearing before while laughing to myself and then I run downstairs. I walk into the kitchen to see Jaden gulping down a protein shake. I take a seat at the island and Jaden looks at me*

Me: That looking disgusting! 

Jaden: It's good! Try some!

Me: No way in hell!

Jaden: Come on!

*I playfully role my eyes*

Me: Fine! Just a sip!

*He hands me a new glass with the shake in it and I take a sip.*

Me: Surprisingly, it's not that bad!

*He laughs*

Jaden: Chug that and I'll buy you a post mates when ever you want!

*I laugh*

Me: Bet!

*I shake his hand and chug the shake fast. Jaden laughs and is a little shook*

Jaden: How the fuck did you drink that so fast!

Me: Bryce has got nothing on me! I have been shotgunning ice teas in my house since I was 13 years old!

*He laughs*

Jaden: Well, now that you had the shake, you gotta do the work out!

*I laugh*

Me: Show me the way Mr.Hossler!

*He laughs and guides me to the back patio that is filled with workout equipment and topless Sway boys. They don't see me so I scream something to get their attention*

Me: Oh my God!! I'm at the Sway boys house and they're all showing me there abs! Ahhhh!

*They all look at me and laugh*

Josh: Who invited the fan?

Me: Shut up pretzel boy!

*We all laugh again and the continue to work out. I turn to face Jaden to see a smile on his face almost as wide as mine.*

Me: So, what's first? Abs? Muscles of what ever the fuck it's called?

*Jaden laughs*

Jaden: Let's just see if you can handle the 10 pound weights!

*I laugh and he guides me to wear the weights are. I try to pick up the 15 pound one but it's to heavy. All the boys are laughing at me cause I can't pick it up.*

Me: Oh shut the fuck up! All of you are on fucking steroids!

Bryce: Ooo, she's grumpy! Is it that time of the month Lilli?

*I look at him with an 'i'm going to kill you' look*

Me: Bryce, I may not be to strong but if you ever ask a girl that again, I will actually kick your ass to the point where you can't breath!

*He puts his arms up in defence and slowly takes a couple steps back*

Bryce: Note to self, NEVER ask Lilli if she's on her period!

*I flip him off and try picking up more weight's. I pick up the 10 pound one but stumble as I do. Jaden laughs and I laugh too. I do like 5 up and downs and then it gets to heavy.*

Me: Jaden, take the fucking weight before I drop it and break the floor!

*He laughs and takes the weight off of my hands*

Me: Are we done yet?!?

*Jaden laughs*

Jaden: We just got started princess! Quit the whining! 

*I laugh*

Me: Let's just fucking get this over with!

*Everyone laughs and me and Jaden fool around more than work out. Lets just say I did a couple of sits up and a couple of push ups. I did pick up the weight thingy but then i dropped it. Bryce yelled at me but I told him since he asked me if I was on my period he wasn't aloud to yell at me anymore. I one that argument of course* 

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