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*On the way to target, Josh does his intro*

Josh: Lilli has actually never been in one of my videos so Lilli, why don't you tell everyone about yourself?

*I laugh and wave at the camera with a smile on my face*

Me whispering to Josh: What do I say?

*He chuckles*

Josh: Uh, tell them your name, your favourite colour, you favourite Sway member and your relationship status!

*I narrow my eyes at him*

Me: Why do I feel like the last one is a trap!

*Josh throws his head back and groans*

Josh: Lilli, just answer the fucking questions!

*I laugh knowing Josh is up to something*

Me: Ok, well hi!

*I wave to the camera causing Jaden and Josh to laugh at my actions*

Me: My name is Lillian Brown, everyone calls me Lilli or Lil. My favourite colour us blue I think?

*The boys laugh at my actions*

Me: Shut the fuck up! It's hard to pick just one fucking colour!

*They laugh again and I playfully role my eyes*

Me: My favourite Sway member is all of them-

*Josh cuts me off*

Josh: No, you have to pick one!

*I sigh*

Me: Fine if I had to chose 1 it would be Josh! Only cause i'm on his youtube channel!

*Jaden pretends to act hurt by putting his hand on his chest and fake crying*

Jaden: Ouch Lilli!

*I laugh*

Me: Sorry!

*I move from my seat and kiss Jaden's cheek*

Josh: Woah, woah, woah! Keep it pg.13 Lil!

*We all laugh*

Me: Fuck off Josh!

Josh: Hey! That's no way to talk to your favourite Sway member!

*I laugh*

Me: Whatever! What was the last question?

Josh: Relationship status!

*I sigh*

Me: Well, i'm single-

Josh: Speaking of relationships! How are you and Jaden?

Me: Me and Jaden are just friends!

Josh: So, your dating?

Me: No, we're friends!

Josh: So, you guys are in the talking stage?

Me: No, we're friends!

Josh: So what your saying is that your dating?

Me: Holy shit Josh! How many fu-friking times do I have to tell you? We are just friends!

Josh: So you guys are in love?

*I hit his head and look at the camera. I put my close face to it causing the boys to laugh*

Me: Jaden and I are just friends!

Josh: So that's why you guys sleep together?

*I gasp and stare at Josh blankly*

Me: Josh! There going to think you meant that we fucked!

Josh: How else  would I mean it?

Me: Cut this part out! Please!

Josh: Don't worry Lil, I will!

*He looks at the camera and mouths 'No I wont' causing all of us to laugh*

Josh: Ok, so to sum it all together, Lilli is really fun to hang out with and her and Jaden are dating!

*I slap the back of his head again*

Me: No we're not!

*Jaden laughs and shakes his head, continuing to drive*

Josh: Jaden, you have been very quiet! What is your input in this discution?

*Jaden looks at Josh with the same goofy smirk on both of their faces*

Jaden: Well, Lilli is lying. We are in fact dating so nobody try anything with her!

*I hit Jaden cause he is not driving anymore*

Me: No we're not! Shut up!

*We all laugh*

Jaden: No but me and Lilli are just friends! Still don't try anything though!

*I put my arms around his neck and put my chin on his shoulder.*

Josh: Yet!

*We all laugh and Jaden looks at me. I look at him and we stay like that for a bit until Josh breaks it.*

Josh: I just got all of that on tape and when everyone see's it, they are going to agree with me! You guys are not just friends and we can all tell just by the way you guys fucking look at each other!

Me: No they wont! We look at each other the way friends look at each other!

Josh: Mhm!

*I laugh*

Me: I fucking hate you Joshua Kenneth Richards!

Josh: No you don't!

Jaden: You might actually hate me for this Lil!

*I look at him confused*

Me: What are you talking about?

*He then licks my cheek again.*

Me: Eww! Jaden fucking Hossler! That's the second time in one fucking day! I'm going to kill you!

*I wipe my cheek and Jaden laughs at me*

Josh: Dude, I don't think she's kidding!

Me: I'm fucking not!

*Jaden quickly runs out of the car and I chase him around. I chase Jaden around the parking lot until I catch him. I jump on his back and softly hit his head, not trying to  hurt him. He laughs and I jump down from his back. Jaden puts his arm around me and we both walk back to Josh who is laughing his ass off.*

Josh: That was actually funny to watch! I'm going to use you guys as click bate! The title will read "The truth about Jaden and Lilli"

*I laugh*

Me: Thats a good one but make sure you put in the part where we say what we actually are!

Josh: And that is dating right?

*I hit him and he yelps a little*

Me: Friends for fucks sake!

*I then get in the car and Jaden pushes me around*

Fall For Me- Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now