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Its has been 2 weeks since Chase took me away from everyone. I haven't been to school but I ned to go or else the school is going to call my parents. Chase knows that and is thinking about if he should let me go or not.


I have barely eaten and when I do I just end up throwing it up again. I definitely have lost a lot of weight but not in a good way cause i'm even more dangerously under weight. I get weaker everyday. Chase beats me every day and some times rapes me. I have bruises all over my body. On my legs, thighs, stomach, face, neck, everywhere. My body hurts every time I move. I wake up in the morning to Chase yelling at me me. I just stand up and look down. I'm to weak to fight anymore and he sees that. He uses it as an advantage towards me. He hits me a bunch  of times before leaving the room. Before he leaves, he says:*

Chase: I made a decision about if you get to go to school or not!

*And with that, he just walks out. Lately all I have been able to do it cry so  I cay and cry and cry. I have nothing better to do since they took away everything. All I have thought about is Jaden. O really want to see him again. I want to hear his voice and look into his beautiful ocean blue eyes. A couple minutes later, Chase comes in with Charli. They both sit down on the chairs and Charli almost looks like she feels bad for me.*

Chase: You can go  to school only so the school doesn't call your parents.

*A small, weak smile grows on my face as I know I get to see my friends again and Jaden*

Chase: BUT, Charli will be with you the whole time. She will drive you to school, be with you through your classes and will drive you home! Do you understand?

*My smile drops and I nod.*


Me: Yes.

*He then walks closer to me and lifts my lowered head up by the chin*

Chase: And if you talk to ANYONE, Charli will tell me and you will be punished more then you are now!

*I nod a little with teary eyes and Chase smirks knowing i'm afraid of him.*


*She quickly leaves the room and closes the door behind her.*

Chase: Stand up!

*I do as he says and he punches me, slaps me, kicks me until I can barely move. He picks me up from the ground and brings me to the bed. He lays me down on it and strokes my hair while kissing my forehead. I felt sick by his actions but I was to weak to push him off me.*

Chase: Get some rest! I need someone to take my anger out on tonight!

*He then walks out of  the room leaving me in tears but whats new? At night, I wake up to the door being open. I thought it was Chase but when I look up it's Charli. She has tears falling down her cheek and is holding the left side of her face. She softly closes the door.*

Charli: He hit me, he said he would never hit me.

*I feel really bad for her. I hate that Chase is this way. I hate that he is doing it to me but I hate it even more that he is also doing it to other people. It pisses me off. She walks up to me and sits down beside me.*

She says just above a whisper: He hit me Lilli.

*She breaks down and I hug her.*

Me: I know Char, he hits me too.

*At this point we are both crying and hugging each other. I knew that Charli hasn't been herself the past few weeks cause through out the friendship she was the sweetest person I know. He probably told her he loved her the night I caught them cheating because that's what he did to me. He made me feel loved and thats the only reason I stayed with him for as long as I did.*

Me: Did Chase make you say all those things to me?

*She nods and looks at me*]

Charli: I'm so sorry. He said he was going to kill me and my family if I didn't say those things and be mean to you! I'm sorry! And the only reason I helped him was because he told me he loved me! I ran away with him because I thought he loved me but he doesn't!

*I hug her again as she breaks down.*

Me: It's ok. He made me feel like that once too but its all a game. I'm sorry he dragged you into this messy fucking mess.


Me: Well, now we can work together to get out of his trap and get Chase arrested.

Charli: How Lilli? He's every where! I'm only in here right now cause he passed out fucking drunk!

Me: My friends will help us! I promise we can get out of this mess! Chase deserves to be locked up and rot in a prison cell for years!

*She nods and wipes her tears*

Charli:  I better go before he wakes up!

*I nod and she leaves the room.*

Fall For Me- Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now