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When we got back to the car, Jaden opened the door for me and I thanked him. When I got in the car and look at Josh, he has the biggest smirk on his face. He looks at me and winks.

Josh: Had fun in Jaden's arms?

*I flip him off and hit the back of his head*

Me: Your a fucking jerk!

*He laughs and so does Jaden*

Jaden: Why don't you like the paparazzi? 

*I try to think of something to come up with but all I could think about is something lame*

Me: They always take things out of context and I don't really like the attention. It's also very over whelming. 

*They both look at me like they don't believe me but they brush it off which I am so grateful for. Jaden looks at me with his eyebrows raised through the review mirror.*

Jaden: Home?

*I nod and smile*

Me: Please!

*Jaden smiles at me once again and I smile back, letting out a little giggle. As he drives, I look at him through the mirror trying to know what he's thinking about and studying his face. A couple times he has looked at me and smiled. Of course I smiled back but him catching me didn't stop me from looking at his perfect facial features and expressions. The ride home was quiet but it was comfortable silence, not awkward silence. Josh was re watching all of the stuff we shot today, Jaden was focused on driving and I was focused on Jaden. A couple minutes later, Jaden pulls into the Sway driveway. Before I could open the door, Jaden gets out and does it for me. Every thing he did made me fall for him more. Every time he opened the door for me, asked me if I was ok, hugged me, kissed my head, called me princess and just the way he moved. I want to memorize the way he walks, moves and talks. I want to be with him every second of every day. I have never felt this way about anyone before but here i am, falling for the biggest player in school. He doesn't seem like a player but I have heard stories about him and how he makes every girl fall in love with him just to leave her. The boys said that every since he met me he has been different but I don't think they are being serious. They say Jaden has never been as affectionate towards a girl but I just think his parents raised him right. Jaden probably doesn't even realize what he's doing and is just doing it to be kind.  Jaden Hossler will be the death of me. Jaden holds his hand out for me to take and I do. He helps me gets out of the car and I smile at him*

Me: Why thank you very much!

*He smiles at me and puts his arm around my shoulder. He kisses my forehead and rest's his head on mine*

Jaden: No problem princess!

*We start walking and then hear Josh yell back from the car*


*Me and Jaden laugh.*

Jaden: Fuck off asshole!

*I put my hand in the air and stick up my middle finger while still walking with Jaden. I hear Josh laugh from the car and me and Jaden laugh. We get inside and I remember about all the bags. Just like he read my mind, Jaden says:*

Jaden: What about the bags from the car?

Me: I'm to tired, lets get them tomorrow!

*He laughs and nods. We walk into the living room while Jaden's arm still around my shoulder. Quinton, Kio and Anthony where playing video games and the rest of the guys were either watching them and yelling at Kio cause he sucks or talking to each other. Me and Jaden fall on the couch with Jaden's arm around my shoulder. I then remember Blake said someone was coming over tonight but no ones here.*

Me: Blake who was that person that was coming over? Why aren't they here and please tell me you didn't kill them!

*He laughs at my comment.*

Blake: He had to cancel cause he just moved here and needed to unpack. He's coming over sometime this week though!

*I nod my head and turn to see Jaden staring at me. I put my head on his shoulder and he kisses my head, something he does very often. They boys weren't surprised by our actions cause we also do this very often. It was pretty normal but me and Jaden just addressed it as friends*

Jaden whispers in my ear: You tired?

*I nod and snuggle into his shoulder causing him to laugh*

Jaden: Go to sleep princess!

*He kisses my head again, a smile forming on my face as he does.*

Me: Oh Hossler, I was going to go to sleep right here if you liked it or not!

*He laughs and wraps his arm around my waist this time and pulls me closer to him. I quickly fall asleep.*

*I wake up to the boys talking but i'm to lazy to open my eyes.*

Blake: Come on dude! You guys have to be dating!

Jaden: We're not though!

Anthony: What do you mean your not! You guys literally act like a couple!

Jaden: But we're not! We're just friends!

*Hearing him say that hurt me a little but he is right*

Josh: You guys are not just fucking friends! Look, she's literally cuddled up to you right now!

Jaden: Guys listen, we're just close friends ok?!

Josh: So your telling me you don't feel anything towards her romantically?!?


Jaden: I-I it doesn't fucking matter ok?

*What the fuck does he mean by that!*

Kio: But it does!

*I can't listen to this anymore. He obviously doesn't want me to hear this. So I start to move around. I slowly open my eyes and smile*

Me: Good morning...

*Jaden looks at me and his annoyed face turns into a soft, smily one.*

Jaden: More like good night!

*I laugh and lean my head on his shoulder again. I look at all the boys and they all look annoyed and frustrated. Probably because of the conversation they just had and Jaden not telling them anything. I yawn again*

Me: I'm going to bed, good night everyone!

Tb: Goodnight!

*I go into Jaden's room and change into some sweatpants and a over sized t-shirt.  I plop on the bed, face first and i'm to tired to move. I then feel someone plop on top of me. They wrap there arms around my waist and puts their face in my neck. I laugh into the pillow knowing it's Jaden*

Me: Get off me fat ass! 

*He chuckles and roles of my beside me. I turn my face to look at him to see him already looking at me. I smile and so does he. We both laugh*

Jaden: Get over here!

*He pulls me onto his chest and I laugh. I place my hand on his bare torso and smile at the warmth of his skin.*

Jaden: Good night princess!

Me: Good night Jae!

A/N: T his was a long chapter! 1156 words not including this note! I hope you are enjoying the story so far!

Fall For Me- Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now