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I wake up screaming and crying at 3 in the morning by Jaden shaking me. I was dreaming about Chase  and that he found me. He hurt me and I almost... died. Jaden kept shaking me until I woke up. I woke up and sat up super fast. I started crying more and I started shaking. Jaden hugs me super tight and lets me cry into his shoulder. 

Jaden: It's ok, i'm here. Your safe,I promise!

*I kept crying in Jaden's arms while he swayed us back in forth.*

Jaden: What happened Lilli?

Me: N-nightmare.

Jaden: Want to talk about it? I have never seen someone scream and cry like that because of a nightmare?

*I shake my head 'No'*

Me: I don't remember a lot anyway

*I lied to him...again.*

Jaden: Then tell me what you do remember? It might help you feel better?

*I slowly nod and get out of Jaden's hug. I sit up straight and take a few breath's before speaking*

Me: I was in a house, an old almost broken house. I-I was getting h-h.... hit. By a tall black figure and h-he, he-

*I stopped talking as I realize it was real life. It's what Chase has done to me. It wasn't just a dream it was like.... a memory? Jaden pulls me into his arms again as he see's just talking about it is breaking me. He strokes my hair as I break down in his chest again*

Jaden: It's ok, you don't need to talk about it anymore. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. It's just me, i'm here!

*I hug him really tight as I cry into his neck and he hugs me back even tighter if that's even possible. I feel safe in Jaden's arms and I know I really am. As long as I was with Jaden, the only person that could hurt me would be Jaden himself. I wanted to stay in his arms forever with the hope that I never have to be in pain again. I  know it can't happen but I can hope. After 15 minutes of crying, I feel asleep in Jaden's arms while hugging him. He laid me down in the bed and placed the blankets over me. He places a kiss on my cheek which woke me up.*

Jaden: Good night my beautiful princess!

*He strokes my hair a couple of times and then stands up. He is about to walk away to his bed on the ground but I grab his wrist causing him to turn around.*

Jaden: Are you ok?

Me: I'm scared, can  you please stay with me?

*A small smile grows across his face and jumps beside me causing me to giggle a little bit. He climbs under the covers and he keeps a respectful distance but I want to be in his arms, I want to be safe. I scooted right beside him and laid my head on his chest. Jaden put's on arm on my waist and his other hand was holding mine.*

Jaden: Do you think you can fall asleep now?

*I nod*

Me: Good night Jaden.

Jaden: Goodnight princess!

*After a couple minutes, I let the warmth of Jaden's body take me into a deep sleep*


When Lilli asked me to stay in the bed with her, i immediately agreed and with out hesitation. I know there's something from her past that she's not telling me, but that's ok. She will tell me when she's ready to tell me. I just want her to feel safe and not be so worried all the time. No one should have to live their life always under fear so I hope she feels safe around me. I hope she know's that I will never ever let anything happen to her. I care about Lilli so much and it hurt's me to see her hurt. I just I-I don't know what I want but I want Lilli to be happy. I just hope what she is keeping from me isn't to serious that it's causing her so much pain. For a while I played with Lilli's hair and watched her sleep peace fully. She was a very cute sleeper but she's always cute. I could watch her sleep forever.  When I started to get sleepy I kissed her forehead.

Jaden: Goodnight my love.

I then quickly fell asleep while cuddling Lilli. 

Fall For Me- Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now