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We got a cart and Lilli jumped in it. She smiles at me and I couldn't help but smile back. Her smile makes me melt inside and I love the feeling. Josh then puts the camera right in front of my face.

Josh: We're doing a challenge! You and Lilli and then me all alone cause Nessa is busy today!

*We all laugh*

Lilli: Whats the fucking challenge!

Josh: Geez, relax Lil!

*She flips him off and we all laugh*

Josh: Ok ok, who can get kicked out of target first!

*I laugh*

Me: You know we actually need things, right?

Josh: I know, but we'll just go to the one down the street after!

*I nod my head and so does Lilli*

Lilli: Come on Q-tip! Lets get kicked out of target!

*I love it when she call me nicknames*

Me: Let's fucking go princess!

*Every time I call her princess she blushes a little. She always looks away out of embarrassment but I think it's cute.*

Josh: Ok, i'm done third wheeling! Nessa get your fucking ass down here!

*We all laugh and me and Lilli flip him off. Me and Lilli run into the store one way while Josh goes another way. Lilli has the camera and keeps shoving it in my face. I just keep laughing.*

Lilli: So... what are we going to do to get kicked out?

*I laugh*

Me: How about you go on the intercom? That always gets us in trouble!

*She laughs and I feel and warm and fuzzy inside. I love the sound of her laughter. I push her cart to the intercom and she continues to film. Before she picks up the intercom, the points the camera at herself.*

Lilli: Kids, don't do this at home or at your local target!

*I laugh and she hands me the camera. I take it and she picks up the intercom. Before she turns it on she looks at me*

Lilli: What do I say?

*I laugh*

Me: I don't know, do something to get us kicked out!

Lilli: That should be easy!

*I laugh at her mumbled words*

Lilli: I got it! I'm roasting the Sway boys!

*I laugh and shake my head. She takes any chance she can get to roast us.*

Me: Ok, now remember kids! Don't do this at home, be kind to people! Now hurt peoples feeling Lilli!

*She laughs*

Lilli: Watch it big boy! Your going to be one of these people!

*I laugh and she turns on the intercom.*

Lilli: Hi, so today we are going to be roasting people! Just to say, I am friends with these boys so don't take it personally! First we are going to start with Noah Beck. Little Becky boy! Why did he break bro code? Come on Noah, I thought you where fucking better than that! Next Griffin. I love you Griff, but if you ever cheat on someone again, I will kill you on my own! I'm not shitting you! Blakey, you just need to get a girlfriend and stop cuddling with Noah! I mean, I totally ship Bloah and all but we can't let Noah turn into Griff and Dixie end up hurt again! We don't want her to have a reputation of dating shit men- Boys I should say!

*I burst out laughing and surprisingly no one has come yet*

Lilli: Now Quinton, Q my man! All I got to say is that I swear if you don't marry Cynthia, you will be buried next to fucking Griffin. Kio and Anthony, you guys are my unproblematic queens! I love you guys and always will! Next Bryce. Grow up, stop shotgunning fucking white claws which we all know I could beat you at a competition any day and tell you friends the truth about your steroid addiction you little piece of shit!

*I bursted out laughing again and Lilli giggled. The giggle I love hearing. Still nobody came.*

Lilli: One of my personal favourites, Josh Richards. All I have to say is stop using me and Jaden as click bate and get a fucking life! Go spend time with your gorgeous girlfriend who I wont hesitate to steal from you when she comes over!

*I bursted out laughing once again and so did she*

Lilli: You think that's funny Q-tip? 

*I nod and I see her goofy smirk on her face*

Lilli: How long is it going to take you to-

*She gets cut off by someone yelling*

Worker: Excuse me!

*I look at Lilli and she sees the worker too. She says one last thing into the intercom*

Lilli: I have got to head out now! Go follow me at its.Lillian and go follow my bestie's the Sway house! Bye bye!

*And with that, I helped Lilli get out of the car and we ran around the store*

Worker: Both of you! Out! Now!

*I grab Lilli's hand as she holds the camera. She looks back at the worker and smiles*

Lilli: I'm so sorry! Please have a great rest of the night and I promise to never return!

*He shakes his head and points to the door way. She nods and we both run out of the store, hand in hand. We both burst out laughing as we are outside of the store now.*

Lilli: I got the whole thing on tape! The guy was so fucking pissed!

*We both continue to laugh and we both don't notice Josh outside*

A/N: Sorry about the roast's! They suck but I don't mean any hate! I love them all it's just for the story!

Fall For Me- Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now