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A couple hours later, everyone ordered food but I didn't eat much. I think I had like 1 of Jaden's fries and then  my stomach threatened me by sending some puke up my way. Luckily I didn't puke. We all just finished watching the movie and i'm still very nervous and jumpy. I really don't want to go home but I have to. 

Riley: I should probably get home!

Cynthia&Dixie: Me too!

*They walk over to me*

Riley: You coming?

*I shake my head 'No'*

Me: I'm going to help clean up, we both know these boys wont do it them selves!

*We all laugh*

Cynthia: Would you like us to stay and help you?

Me: I'm good guys! You all should probably get home before your parents ground me! Mine are never home any way so I don't have to worry!

*We all laugh again*

Dixie: Alright, we'll see you tomorrow maybe if we hang out!

*I smile softly*

Me: Yeah, maybe! Love you guys!

Cynthia: Love you!

Riley: Text me if you need anything, love you!

Dixie: Bye bebe, love you!

With that they all said bye to their boyfriends (Cynthia is dating Quinton, Dixie is dating Noah and Riley is 'talking' to Kio) and left. I started gathering all of the garbage and left over food. These boys are lazy. Once I got it all, I went to the kitchen and threw it all away. I put my hands on the sink counter and take some deep breath's. I look down at my wrist's and I see my old scars and bruises that haven't completely healed yet. I start to tear up and try breathing but it's not helping cause the tears end up falling. I keep thinking about Chase and all of the bad things that will happen if he ever finds me which I hope he doesn't. Someone comes into the kitchen but I didn't hear them.

Random person: Hey!

*I jump and turn around to see Jaden. He walks over to me and studies my face*

Jaden: I'm sorry but are you sure your ok cause you seem really jumpy tody?

*I quickly wipe my tears*

Me: Yeah, I'm totally fine!

*He gives me an unsure look*

Jaden: Are you sure? Want to talk about anything?

*I fake a smile*

Me: Nope! I'm good thank you!

*He walks closer to me and can see my tear stained face*

Jaden: You don't have to fake a smile around me Lilli! It's ok to not be ok all the time!

Me: I'm fine Q-tip! I really am!

Jaden: Then why are you crying?

*I pretend to look confused*

Me: Why would you think that?

*He places his hand on my cheek and softly traces my cheek bone with his finger. He looks at me with a worried look on his face*

Jaden: Princess , I can see the tears on your face. Why are you hiding your feelings from me?

*I fake a smile again*

Me: I don't know what your talking about? I'm not hiding my feelings from you! I'm perfectly fine!

*He looks at me with the same worried look on his face from before*

Jaden: Ok, I believe you. Just know i'm here, ok?

*I look into his eyes*

Me: I know, thank you.

*He then pulls me into a nice tight hug. I hug him back and take it in*

Jaden: Drive home safe and text e when you get home, ok?

*I pull out of the hug and fake smile again*

Me: Will do Q-tip!

*He smiles*

Jaden: Bye bye princess!

I walk out of the kitchen and say bye to all of the boys and Nessa who is staying a little longer than I am. Before I leave, Josh ask's me something.

Josh: Lilli, can I talk to you outside for a minute? 

*I grab my bag and nod. Me and Josh walk on to the front porch and Josh close's the door behind him*

Josh: Are you ok to be home right now?

*I look down and feel my eyes tearing up*

Me: I think... i'm a little scared but I have locks on all my windows and doors.

*He nods*

Josh: Well, your welcome to stay here if you want!

*I look up at him and softly smile with my glossed over eyes*

Me: Thanks Josh, but I'll be ok. I promise.

*He nods*

Josh: The offer is always open just text me!

*I hug  him*

Me: Your the best Lil' Joshy!

Fall For Me- Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now