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I try to get my hand out of Chases grip but I can't cause now he's squeezing my hand, tight. I know can't get it out at all and am freaking out on the inside. 

Blake yells: How do you know her Chase!

*Josh then puts 2 and 2 together and realizes that it's my ex Chase, the abusive one. Josh runs over and pushes Chase away from me.*

Chase: What the fuck man!

Josh: Back the fuck away from her, now.

*Everyone is confused as on why I am shaking and have tears streaming down my face. Jaden tries to hug me but I flinch and Jaden takes a step back. Chase then pushes Josh back.*

Chase: We're friends from back home asswhole!

Josh: Then why the fuck is she shaking and crying right now!

Chase: She must of seen a ghost of some shit! We're friends! Actually, we are more than friends... right darling?

*He looks over at me and my knees feel weak. I shake my head and manage to mumble:*

Me: N-no=.

*Chase scoffs and glares at me. I already know what's going to happen if he manages to get me.*

Chase: She must be delusional! We have known each other for years!

Josh: You are a fucking monster! I know everything you did! I know every time you placed a fucking hand on her!

*Jaden then looks at Josh who is still looking at Chase, anger boiling through his body.*

Jaden: Is this the guy?

*Jaden's hands ball up in fists and his jaw clenches. Josh nods and Jaden storms over to Chase.*

Jaden: Get the fuck away from her!

*Chase laughs and looks at me.*

Chase: I see you told them about me! Makes me feel good that you talk about me!

*All the boys get confused*

Noah: What's happening?

*Chase smirks at me*

Chase: Why don't you tell them darling?

*I let more tears fall down my cheeks and Jaden pushes Chase.*

Jaden: Don't fucking talk to her!

Chase: Trust me dude! You don't want to do that!

*Jaden pushes Chase until Chase's back is trapped against the wall and Jaden. At this point I am shaking even more and crying more than before. I'm not making any noises but the tears are falling. I'm shaking but trying to not let Chase see me afraid of him even though he already knows I am.*

Jaden: Give me 1 reason I shouldn't beat the shit out of you right here!

*Chase just laughs and Jaden raises his voice:*



*Chase then pulls out a knife out of his pant pocket and holds it in front of Jaden's throat.*

Chase: Give me one reason why I shouldn't cut your throat right now. In front of Lilli, in front of your friends? I mean I would enjoy it but think about how everyone would feel, witnessing me  murdering you? What about your family? How would they feel?

*Jaden backs up a little*

Jaden: Don't touch her.

*Chase is about to pounce at Jaden when I yell:*

Me: STOP! Don't hurt him! Do what ever you want just don't hurt him! Don't hurt anyone!

Chase: Aw darling, wheres the fun in that? You know I can't do that, someone needs to get hurt. You know thats how I roll. Someone is bound to get hurt when I'm around, thats just how it is.

Me: Hurt me. No one else!

*Chase smirks*

Chase: That sounds fun but I also want to hurt him!

*He points the knife at Jaden. I quickly say:*

Me: NO! Not him, me and only me! If you hurt him I will go with a fight and trust me I have gotten a lot stronger than when I last left you!

Chase: That's sweet, you really think you can hurt me!

Me: I never said I could hurt you but I can make it a lot harder for you to take me!

*He smirks*

Chase: You also got hotter! Fine, lets go darling!

*Chase walks up to me and grabs my wrist roughly.*

Jaden: No!

*Jaden tries to grab me but Chase spins me around and wraps his arm around my neck. He brings the knife to my neck and puts a little pressure on it just not enough to cut through my skin.*

Chase: One step closer and she's dead.

*Jaden stares at me and I can tell he doesn't know what to do. I nod my head as tears fall down my cheeks*

Jaden: NO, I wont let him take you! Take me instead!

Me: NO! Chase it's me you want! Not Jaden!

*Chase laughs and looks at Jaden.*

Chase: She must really love you if she's willing to give her self up in return for your safety!

*I look down not making eye contact with anyone*

Chase: Say bye bye!

*More tears fall down my face and I finally look up and into Jaden's eyes.*

Me: Bye.

*Jaden has tears in his eyes and it hurt me to know I'm the cause of that.*

Fall For Me- Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now