Chapter 14

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Was he out of town? Or somewhere else? I thought to myself while driving at the borders of the town. It was an horrible idea to go out in night and drive around after seeing that bitch but I couldn't find comfort at home so I drove to the last place I expected the Alpha to be.

I passed by the club and alcohol reeked in the air. Taking a right turn, I stopped and got off my car before heading inside the warehouse.

To my surprise, the man I met when I came down here was no longer there. It was quiet and dark with a golden light dangling by the corner. I quirked a brow at the thick scent of blood, it was all over the area and it made me nauseous.

Biting my bottom lip, I stopped by the stairs that led downstairs to the dungeon. Should I be going in there? Did I even have the permission? Was this wrong? Was I going to die? I ran a strike through all the questions in my head and went downstairs, hoping to see nothing except for the Alpha.

Barely anyone knew where he resided or where his house was, only the high-ranking wolves knew along with my Dad and they didn't share that information with anyone.

But the Alpha told me I could come talk to him if I wanted too.

I was here now.

Ready to talk.

My heart thumped with every step I took. I considered turning around and leaving but it wasn't going to hurt if I just went a little more down. My throat tightened and I gasped when I saw blood on the grounds of the dungeon and a light flickering above it. It was red, thick and it was definitely blood.

I moved backwards when I found the Alpha glanced at me. He was dressed in black, sleeves rolled upto his elbow and a wet cloth in his hands, a cloth soaked in blood and water.

"A little heads up would've been more ethical." He said, voice casual as always. The cloth in his hand fell down and the blood from the ground rushed to it, filling it up, again.

"Di—did you kill someone?" I asked, my eyes widening. It did seem like that.

He crouched down and raised his head, watching me. I stared back at him curiously as he wiped the blood off the floor.

"Eh, it was in the morning. Had to kill someone. Although, I did say someone to clean this mess up but he forgot to do it so I'm left with cleaning this up myself." There wasn't a single hesitation in his tone, just calmth. "I suppose you were looking for me?" He asked after a moment.

I didn't know what to do. Run out of here? Or run out of here? It wasn't many choices I had.

I blinked at the Alpha a couple times unable to form words. "Yeah but I think—I think I should come some other time—"

I was cut off. "No, stay, it's all right. I've a few things to ask you myself. Good you are here."

I released a heavy breath and my eyes danced across the dungeon. The panic in my chest didn't pause, not even for a second. I remembered the spot I was in, it was on the other side of the massive dungeon, apparently where people were getting killed too.


"So, you kill people and fuck people in the same place?" I blurted out and when I realized what I had just said, I shut my mouth tightly.

"Now that's a tricky question," He replied, getting up and washing the fresh blood of the cloth in a sink by the corner. "I don't usually kill people. Just rarely—when it's needed."

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