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How long has it been since I lost him..?

Years had passed since that final battle. Our final battle. Five years, or was it six? I had lost count. Every day, I missed Takami Keigo. From dawn to dusk, I continued to mourn, living through sleepless nights and restless days.

I quit heroism, and became a full time mother from the moment I gave birth. The commission provided us with a pension that was almost too much, including a brand new apartment, insurance, everything we could ever need and then some.

Our daughter, Suzume Takami, grew up out of the public eye, much to my relief. Her father had been long forgotten, his sacrifice nothing but a fleeting headline before his presence in the hero community faded into whispered history.

Fleece-lined jackets and amber visors had been packed away, gathering dust in the storage lockers of what had now become Tsukuyomi's hero agency. I was proud of how far he had come, but it was bittersweet. He shared in our trauma.

"Thanks for this, Fuyumi..." I offered my quiet thanks as the woman handed me several plastic take-out containers, filled with her own cooking.
"Don't mention it. I told you, if you need a break, I'm here to help. You do enough as it is." She gave me a pat on the shoulder before I turned to place the meals in the fridge.

I can't ever do enough...

"It's almost five. When did Natsuo say they'd be back?" I asked, returning to the island bench to mindlessly stir my untouched coffee.
"They should be back any mi-"
"Knock knock! Special delivery!" Right on cue, I heard his voice, along with familiar little steps rushing towards the kitchen.

"Mama! Look!" Bright eyed, my daughter leapt into the air when she entered the room, silver wings flapping almost aggressively as she messily flew into my arms. Startled, I caught her, pulling her into a tight embrace.
"! You've gotten good! But remember, starshine, no flying in the house."

Puffing out her cheeks, Suzume gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before squirming out of my hold, shimmying down my leg and over to Fuyumi.
"Aunty Yumi, Uncle Natsu bought me three whole entire colouring books! Wanna colour with me?!" Fuyumi chuckled and nodded, ruffling the little girl's wild blonde locks as she accepted the bag her brother handed over.

"Sure thing, dove. Lead the way! I hope you have some pretty crayons for us to use!" I watched as my daughter lead her away, yammering loudly about her brand new crayon set, and I turned to Natsuo.
"Thanks, but you really don't have to spoil her so much..."

Shrugging his broad shoulders, Natuso made himself comfortable leaning against the island.
"I want to. She's a good kid, and she was an angel, for once. She only called Shoto five weenie man once today when we stopped by the agency."

Natsuo had always just...been there. I hadn't asked him to be - any of the Todorokis - but they stuck by me. Fuyumi and Rei always stopped by to bring us food and to help out around the house, and both Natsuo and Shoto had taken on roles as her honorary uncles. Enji was still around too, though after being investigated by the commission, he was also laying low, retired and just as broken.

"She's still so into that hero stuff..." I sighed, choosing to carry my mug and empty the contents into the sink. "It scares me. That isn't the life I want for her..." It truly wasn't. I had only been a part of that world for a fleeting moment, yet it still stuck with me, haunting my very being.

"They usually are around this age. It's just a phase, I'm sure. Try not to worry about it." Natsuo tried to steer me towards a more positive frame of mind, but there was no stopping my concerns.
"A..anyway, how are things with your new girlfriend? Ichika, right?"

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