FIFTY SEVEN: Collateral

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"Why the fuck did you think this would be a good idea?!"

Hawks, contradicting his snapping tone, dragged me into his arms, smothering me into his chest. His heartbeat was erratic, and his breath short. Mine surely was, too.
"Husband and wife...Your problems are my problems..." I murmured, pushing back just enough so I could look him in the eye. "How the hell did Dabi know about the other night..? He..he saw bed..."

My husband's mouth opened and closed for a few moments before his eyes grew wide, making him look more like an owl than a Hawk.
"Fuck...the cameras..." He whispered, shock evident in his voice as he stretched one of his wings out. "They had cameras in my feathers...but they took them out this morning...I..I was drunk...and I forgot..."

Pushing away, I turned and flopped face down onto the bed, groaning into the mattress.
"Great! The creeps got their own personal porn show!" Hawks sat down beside me, hands connected and shaking in the space between his knees.
"I'm sorry..." He sighed, filling the room with his heaviness. "...I just...I didn't want to put you in any more danger...but now you're here...and I can't protect you...not unless I actually switch sides...Either way, you're in danger..."

Either way..?

Rolling over, I narrowed my (E/C) eyes, watching him remove his visor.
"What do you mean either way..?" He fell backwards, causing me to bounce along with the force, and stared up at the ceiling.
"If they want to make you do work for them, I can't stop it without revealing the objective...and if I go along with them so I can keep you safe here, then the Safety Commission will..." He trailed off, closing his eyes and exhaling slowly. "We just have to play it double safe now. Gather what information we can, and then get you the fuck out of here."

"What is the objective?" Reaching out, I placed my hand over his chest, and his gloved one came to rest on top of it.
"Any and all data we can get. Locations of members, their plans and strategies, and whatever we can scrape together about Shigaraki Tomura. He's disappeared, hasn't been around for a month or two, and I need to find out where he is..."

Processing what he was telling me, an idea crept into my head. It was disgusting, and the last thing I ever wanted to do, but if it could speed up the process, then I'd risk it.
"What if...I could get that location for you..?" I asked in a whisper, feeling my husband tense up beneath my hand.
"If it has anything to do with Dabi, I won't let-"

"He likes me, Keigo." I cut him off, sitting up so I could look down at his pinched face. "He's disgusting, and I hate him, but if he sees me as someone close, then I could easily charm information out of him." He didn't like it one bit, which didn't come as any kind of surprise, and he shook hos head frantically.

"No. Not happening. He isn't someone you wanna fuck with, (Y/N), believe me. Dabi's the one who..." When he stopped mid sentence, my teeth locked together, and without him saying another word, I began to piece it all together.
"Then there's all the more reason for me to take him down, now isn't there..?" My voice was low and venemous, but still not nearly enough so to convey just how much my hatred had increased.

Despite being so worked up, I allowed Hawks to pull me down into his arms, the tips of his wings curling around me like a security blanket.
"It's taken everything I have not to kill him for what he did..." He murmured, unmoving beneath me. "...but I'm still to blame, too...I never meant for any of this to happen..."

I know...

From the small bits and pieces that he had shared, I knew that the Hero Commission had groomed him into some kind of machine. It explained why he was often so childish, yet so capable at doing his job. Love and heroism rarely ever mixed well, but in his situation, it was likely far worse.

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