CHAPTER 1 - Rivendell

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It's spring. The leaves from the cherry trees sorounding Rivendell is in full bloom, and the sun sits high in the sky. Rivendell is beautiful this time of year. Your father, lord Elrond, has arranged a party/ball to celebrate your return. You have been away for 10 years to prepear for one day to become a queen. The ballroom is decorated from top to bottom with fresh flowers and strings of lights. Princes, princesses, lords and ladies from all over middle-earth are here to welcome your return, and to see how the young princess has grown.

Everyone is waiting for your arrival. You have been peeking through the door, at the top of the grand staircase, a bit nervous. You know that you must make a good first impression, and use all that you have learned to catch the eye of a potential husband. As is tradition, you have exactly one year to choose who you will marry. During the next year suitors can ask for your hand in marriage, but it is up to you who you choose. But you just want to enjoy yourself this evening, and not thing about those things. You have never liked the idea of having to choose someone just because of tradition. You want to marry out of love, not play this stupid game of politics. But you know that you have no choice, and just hope that somehow, someone will see you for who you are, and not just your title and your pretty face. You look down the long staircase, and pray to god not to fall. You take a deep breath and start walking.

Everyones eyes is on you. You are not the little girl that left this place so many years ago. You have become a beautiful woman, who some say that has no equal. Your long red hair, fair skin and light green eyes are a rare combination even for an elf. You have a naturally lean body and a tiny waist, but still the sensual curves of a beautiful woman. Your are wearing a long, nude, fitted gown with white flower details. The sheer and nude fabric of your dress blends in perfectly with your skintone. Making the illusion that the flowers are only thing covering you. You look so angelic and pure, yet sexy and full of confident at the same time. As you reach the end of the staircase, your father takes your hand and starts to introduce you to some of the guests. In the meantime music has begun to play, and people are laughing, dancing and talking. You start to feel much better, and find that talking to people helps calm your nerves. Maybe this night wont be that bad after all.

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