CHAPTER 59 - The great battle

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Once the doors open you run outside and take cover behind a wall to take in your surruondings. The gates of the city has not yet been breached, and you glance over the wall to see the fields of Gondor filled with orcs. You know that Thranduil will be down there on the battlefield, and you need to get there fast to help him. You run through the city and make your way too the main gate where Thorin and his army is holding back the orcs from entering the city. You need to find another way too the battlefield, and you start to climb the southern wall too get over to the other side. You reach the top of the wall and you can see a way down to the field. Just as you are about to jump down you feel two strong arms around your waist pulling you back. You panic, thinking it is an orc, and try to get away from their hold. Then you hear a familier voice.

Thorin: Odette! Its me! Its just me!

You turn around and see Thorins shocked face before he hugs you close to his chest. He then breakers the hug and looks at you angry while holding your shoulders.

Thorin: What in gods name are you doing down here?! Get back inside!

You: No Thorin, Im done waiting! I need to get down there and help him.

Thorin: No you dont!

You: Yes I do! Now please let me go!

Thorin: ...not strong enough.

You could barely hear what Thorin said as he hung his head down low, avoiding your eyes.

You: I am strong enough! I can do this! I have been training! I have...

Thorin: NOT YOU, ME

You had never seen Thorin so angry or desperate before. His eyes welled up with tears as he cupped you face in his hands and looked at you.

Thorin: I am not strong enough... to loose you again. Please... dont go down there.

You looked at your friend. You knew that he had been so sceared that day at Erebor, when you almost died right infront of him. And you did not want to ever make him go through that again. But you knew that you had to do something to help in this great battle. There was no way you would hide up there in the castle while everyone you love were out here fighting.

You: I have to do this Thorin. Please. I am going, weather you like it or not. Come with me, and we can defeat this enemy if we stand together, all of us.

Thorin: You know I cannot go on if you die.

You: Then I will just have to make sure I dont die.

Thorin knew there was no changing your mind. And it would take to long to drag you back to the castle if he was to force you there. With that you and Thorin smile at eachother and you make your way down of the wall, and out in the battlefield together. You fight side by side through a large group of orcs, trying to reach Thranduil and the rest of the royal army. You manage to kill a large numbre of orcs, but there are too many coming toward you at once. You fall on your back when you see a tall figure coming to your rescue. Haldir masterfully fights of all of the orcs and makes his way to you. He looks as if he is not even breaking a sweat as he walks up to you with a smirk on his face. He offers you his hand, and helpes you up of the ground.

Haldir: Need a hand? So my queen, care to explain to me what you are doing down here?

You: I couldnt let you boys have all the fun. Now, where is that flamboyant husband of mine?

Haldir: Here he comes now.

Haldir points his sword to a large olifant heading your way. You see Thranduil killing the orcs that are sitting on the large animals back, and after they are all gone he kills the beast with three arrows to its head. As the animal crashes dead to the ground, Thranduil gracefully leapes down from its back to the ground. Then you see Thorin walking up to him and patting his back, smiling and laughing. He then turns serious as he speaks to Thranduil and points in your direction. Thranduil looks up and see you standing there behind Haldir. He runs to you and hugs you tightly.

Thranduil: My love... what are you doing down here? Are you alright?

You: I am find Thranduil. I am here to fight.

Thranduil: Are you mad?! It is too dangerous!

You: Well I am here now, so you just have to let me join you.

Thranduil takes a deep breath and looks you. There is no way to get you out of this battle now, and he is so honoured to have you by his side. He puts his hand on your waist and pulls you in for a deep kiss. He loves you so much, and is so proud of the woman and queen you have become.

Thranduil: Stay close to me at all times, alright?

You smile and nod at him. You, Thranduil, Thorin and Haldir start to make your way through the field. You see a large group of orcs heading you way. The four of you attack them and eventually starts to get further and further away from eachother. You see Thranduil fighting against a large troll, and you try to fight you way to help him, but there are to many orcs in your way. Suddenly you see a Fellbeast right abow you. You see the orcs around you coward away as the large beast comes closer. On the back of the beast there is a Nazgûl rider. He is dressed in an armour much like the one the dark lord wore in your vision. You ready you bow to shoot up at the beast, but just as you are about to fire your arrow, the beast lets out a horrible scream so that you have to cover your ears. You throw down your bow and fall to your knees with your hand covering your ears. Just as the screaming stops, you feel a large claw grab your body and pull you up from the ground. You look over at Thranduil who is still fighting the troll and call out for him. He looks up and tries to run your way, but the troll grabs him by the leg and throws him to the ground. Thranduil gets up and starts to fight the troll again. He looks around and sees Haldir fighting a group of orcs right behind him.

Thranduil: Captain! Help the queen! Now!

Haldir looks up and see you beeing takes away by the Fellbeast. He nods at Thranduil and fights his way toward you.

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