CHAPTER 46 - Rohan

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Is has been a couple of months since the council meeting in Rivendell. You have not heard word from the fellowship, but you pray that the ring is safe. A lot has changed in these past few months. You no longer feel safe outside of Mirkwood, and you hear stories of villages beeing burned to the ground by orcs coming from Mordor. Sauron has returned, and his army is growing larger by the day. And even the good and wise wizard Sauroman has been suspected to have swore his allegiance to the dark lord. Thranduil has sendt out scouts throughout the land to insure that no unwelcome guests enter the kingdom. One day the guards bring forth a man they have found riding towards the palace. They bring him to the throneroom where Thranduil is sitting.

Thranduil is sitting in the throneroom when the big golden door at the end opens. A group of guards walk inside with a man dark haired man in black clothes.

Guard: We found this man riding towards the palace my king. He says he is a friend. Thranduil instantly recognize Aragorn standing there with a grin on his face.

Thranduil: He is. Leave us.

Thranduil gets up from his throne and gestures for the guards to leave the room. He makes his way down to Aragorn and puts a hand on his shoulder.

Thranduil: Aragorn my friend. What are you doing here? Where is the rest of the fellowship?

Aragorn tells Thranduil the story of how the fellowship had to split up, to give the young hobbit the best chance to reach Mordor on his own. He also tells Thranduil that there is a war coming, and that the kingdom of Rohan could fall any day now if they did not fight back against the dark forces of Mordor.

Aragorn: That is why I am here my friend. Rohan needs you and your army. They will not stand a chance without your help.

Thranduil: I know what you ask of me. And I know I should not be selfish in these dark times but... The kingdom of Rohan has caused nothing but pain and suffering to me and my family. You know that my wife almost got murdered by that witch lady Margaery . And know her father, king Theoden, dares to ask for my help?

Aragorn: I know that I am asking alot by coming here. But if this enemy is not defeated, then Mirkwood could be next.

Thranduil knows that he is right. And that defeating the armies of Mordor should be his number one priority. But he also does not want to leave you here unprotected in Mirkwood, incase something should happen. And the pain that lady Margaery caused by almost killing you, has Thranduil hessitant on helping Rohan.

Thranduil: Just... give me a minutte. I have to speak with my wife.

Aragorn: I understand.

Thranduil walks off to find you, and Aragorn stays behind in the throneroom. Thranduil knows that he has to leave, but he is scared of what you will say. And he is afraid to leave you in these dark times. He finds you reading in the library. You are sitting on a sofa by the window, and he walks over and sits next to you.

Thranduil: What are you reading my love?

You: Oh just some story about a king looking for a woman he has never seen. He has just heard her sing once, and now he is looking for her so he can marry her. It is quite romantic actually. How has your day been?

Thranduil: Good, good. Its just... Aragorn is here.

You: What!? Is something wrong? Have they lost the ring?

Thranduil: The ring is safe. Its just... Aragorn needs my help. Rohan is in danger, and he wants me to join him into battle.

You pause for a moment. Then you get up and walk to the window, staring out into the horizon. You take a deep breath.

You: Then you must go with him.

Thranduil gets up and looks at you with a serious stare.

Thrandui: This is Rohan my love. What have they ever done for us? Except almost kill you infront to my eyes?

You: King Theoden and the kingdom of Rohan should not pay the price for his daughters crimes. I know you my love. If it turns out that innocent people got hurt because we did not help, it would destroy you.

Thranduil: No! What would destroy me is if anything were to happen to you. What if the armies of Mordor reaches Mirkwood before I get back?

You: We have friends, allies. They will come if I need them. But right now, Rohan needs you.

Thranduil cups the back of your head and pulls you close for a deep kiss.

Thranduil: What have I done to deserve such a wise queen by my side?

You: I am just trying to be strong like you. Doing whats right, even tho it hurts to see you leave.

Thranduil: I will return as soon as I can. And I will leave Haldir here to protect you.

You: No you have to take Haldir with you. He is your captain, it is his duty to fight by your side.

Thranduil: It is his duty to do as his king commends. So if I say he stays, he stays.

You: Alright. But you must promise me to be carefull. I want you back here without so much as a single scratch.

Thranduil: I promise my love.

You and Thranduil go back downstairs to the throneroom where Aragorn is waiting. Him and Thranduil goes to the armory to gear up, and you find Haldir so that he can ready troops. In just a few hours they are ready to leave.

Thranduil: Nothing happens to her while Im away captain, do you understand?

Haldir: Yes my king!

You: Please be carefull. I love you my king.

Thranduil: I love you my shining star.

They ride off and you smile and wave at them as they ride farther and farther away from the palace. The second Thranduil is out of sight, you collapse in Haldirs arms crying your eyes out. You had tried to be strong for Thranduil, and not show how scared you were. But now that he was gone you could finally let it all out. You were so scared he would get hurt, that he would get captured along the way, or even that he would not return home ever. You felt so alone and helpless, knowing there was nothing you could do for him. Just wait, and tend to the kingdom in his absence. Haldir picks you up in his arms and carries you to your room. He fires up the firesplace and you sit down on the sofa looking at the flames. Just as he is about to leave the room you turn to him.

You: Haldir?

Haldir: Yes my queen?

You: Do you mind staying here tonight? I dont want to be alone.

Haldir nods, closes the door and joins you on the sofa.

Haldir: Come here.

Haldir puts his arms around you and pulls you close to him. You rest your head against his cheast and you feel much better already. Something about Haldirs strong hold and soft voice quickly calmes you down, and you soon fall asleep in his arms. He gently picks you up and carries you to your bed. He pulls the covers over you and kisses you softly on your forhead before leaving the room. He goes back to the livingroom where he removes his armour, grabs a blanket and goes to sleep on the sofa.

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