CHAPTER 20 - The announcement

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After a while you pull apart and just stare in eachothers eyes. You both smile and laugh a little. Realizing what fools you both have been for not opening up about your feelings earlier. You place your cheek on Thranduils chest as he hugs you tightly. Then you push away and look up at him.

You: Oh my... we have to tell my father!

Thranduil laughs.

Thranduil: He already knows. Or atleast he knows that I was going to propose. And he has given us his blessing.

You: You have thought of everything havent you?

Thranduil: Well it was a long time coming. I just didnt have the courage until tonight.

You: What made tonight different?

Thranduil: Let's just say that I was running out of time. Now let's go downstairs before we are missed. The feast is soon beginning, and I would like to make the announcement after dinner.

You: Sounds wonderful. Good thing Vincent left, or you would have had a riot on your hands.

You both laugh and make your way to the banquet hall were dinner is soon beeing served.

You find your father waiting for you by your table, and Thranduil goes in another direction not to draw attention. On his way down the hall he bumps into lady Margaery.

Margaery: My lord there you are. I have been looking all over for you. We thought you might have run away from your own party.

Thranduil: Oh hello my lady. I have been busy with some special preperations for the feast.

Margaery: Anything...exciting... I should know about?

Margaery touches Thranduils arm, clearly trying to flirt with him. But he is just thinking about the announcement later, so he does not realize.

Thranduil: Well... Can you keep a secret my lady?

Margaery: Oh yes do tell me my lord!

Thranduil leans in and whispers.

Thranduil: I have decided to finally listen to your grandmothers and get a wife. She has always told me that this kingdom needs a queen, and she is right. But please to not tell anyone, I will make the announcement after dinner.

Margaerys jaw drops and she blushes. Thinking that he means her.

Margaery: My lord. This is all so sudden. But what made you change your mind?

Thranduil: When you find that special person you cannot live without, I guess you must make sure to keep them in your life.

Margaery: I feel the same way my lord. I cant wait to see everyones reaction.

Thranduil: Well I have to go now, dinner is starting. I will see you later.

Thranduil hurries to his table just in time. He takes a look over at your table, and smiles at you. You blush and smile back.

After dinner in cleared Thranduil ask that everyone joins him to the throneroom. Everyone is curious as to what is going on. Already there is a roumour going around that Thranduil has proposed to Margaery. She has already told her grandmother, and she has been gossiping about it all during dinner. Thranduil is standing by his throne, and he raises his hand so that the crowd goes silent.

Thranduil: Thank you everyone for beeing here tonight, celebrating the gifts of Mirkwood forest, and the harvest of this season. I hope you enjoyed your meal, and most of all the wine.

The guests giggle.

Thranduil: But it is not only the gifts of food and wine that Mirkwood has recieved this season. My lord and ladies, tonight I have done something I never thought I would. I have found someone that loves me, I have proposed, and she has said yes to be my queen at Mirkwood.

The crowd cheer and applaud, and looks around to see who this new queen could be. Margaery starts to walk confidently through the crown towards the throne, but she suddenly stops when she sees you join Thranduil by his side. She tries to keep her composure, and starts to clap with along with the crowd.

You stand next to Thranduil who places his hand around your waist. You look over and see your father with tears in his eyes. You have never been more happy. Thranduil puts his hand under your chin and lifts your head up to face him. He gives you a soft kiss on the lips and makes sure not to let go until the guests go wild with applause. You smile at eachother. Then guests start coming up to you both to congratulated you. You thank them and look out at the big crowd gathering around you. Then you look at the back of the crowd, and you see Thorin leaving in a hurry. You whisper to Thranduil that you will be right back, and then you go running after Thorin.

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