CHAPTER 25 - The truth

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As the night goes on Thranduil introdouces you to some of Mirkwoods closes allies. You are soon to be his queen, so you try to make a good impression on the lords that are there. After a while Thranduil can see that you are getting bored, and he calls over Haldir.

Thranduil: I need to talk to a few more people, and then I am all yours. Haldir will stay with you in the meantime. Go and get yourself a drink and enjoy yourself.

You: I love you, you know that?

You smile and give Thranduil a kiss on the cheek before walking away holding Haldirs arm.

You: So... are you allowed to drink tonight captain?

Haldir: I never drink. I must be focused at all times. But you must enjoy yourself. What can I get for you princess.

You: How many times must I ask you to call me Odette?

Haldir: You will always be my princess, princess.

You smile and rest your head agains Haldirs upper arm. Then you see Thorin coming towards you.

Thorin: I can take it from here captain.

Haldir: My king has asked me not to leave the princesses side.

You: Its fine captain. I'll be safe with Thorin. Just be on the lookout for «you know who».

Haldir: As you wish princess.

Thorin takes your hand and leades you out on the large balcony overlooking the palace garden. You stand there silent for just a moment, looking out at the beautiful nightsky. Then Thorin takes your hands and look deep into your eyes.

Thorin: Odette. I have something I have to tell you. I should have told you this a long time ago, but I did not know how to say it.

You: You are scearing me Thorin. Is it something bad? Please just tell me.

Thorin: Its about Thranduil. He is not right for you. You must end your engagement with him at once.

You let go of Thorins hands and take a step back.

You: Why are you saying this? Thranduil is the kindest man I have ever known, and he loves me.

Thorin: I love you!

Thorin pulls you close to him and kisses you. You pull away and slap him across the face. Then you hear a scream, as Thranduil runs towards Thorin and punches his face so hard that Thorin falls on his back. Thranduil then pulls put his sword and points it at Thorins throat. You let out a scream, thinking Thranduil is going to kill him.

You: Thranduil stop!

Thranduil: You will pay for that! How dare you kiss my bride?

Thorin: She should never have been your bride. You are not worthy of her love.

Thranduil: And you are?

Thranduil pushes the tip off his sword even harden on Thorins neck.

You: Stop this now! Thranduil please! He is your best friend! Are you really going to kill him infront of me?!

Thorin: I would not be surprised. He will do anything to have you to himself. Is that not right... friend?

Thranduil: Quiet you snake!

You: What is he talking about Thranduil?

You stare at Thranduil with tears in your eyes, but he does not awnser you. He just looks at the ground.

Thorin: Tell her about that night Thranduil! Tell her how you stole her from me at the last minute!

Thranduil: She chose me! Get over it Thorin!

Thorin: Because she did not know that she had another one longing for her!

Thranduil is no longer pushing his sword as hard on Thorins throat. Thorin pushes the tip off the sword away from him, so that he can get up off the ground. Thranduil just stands there completely still, looking at the ground.

Thorin: I love you Odette. I have... always loved you. That night at Mirkwood I was finally going to propose to you. But I was a fool. And I thought I would ask my best friends for his blessing. It was his party after all. He even agreed to be my best man if all went well. Thranduil only had one request. That I did not propose you until after dinner.

Your cant feel your tears streaming down your face. How could you have been so blind to Thorins love for you. Thranduil has put away his sword and you meet his teary and guilt filled eyes.

You: After dinner...? You proposed to me before dinner. You knew how he felt about me, your best frind. And you still stole his moment away from him. Why did you not just tell me?!


Thranduil screams at the top of his lungs before breaking down in tears. Then his voice turned shaky and quiet.

Thranduil: I was afraid that you were going to choose him. I saw the way you looked at eachother ... and I panicked. I could not risk you never knowing how I felt about you. I sorry Odette.

You: So you made Thorin go through that instead? It was my choice to make.

Thorins starts to walk towards you, but stops when Haldir appears behind you and puts his hand on your shoulder. You whipe away your tears.

You: Good. You are here captain. Can you please prepare the carriage? Thranduil and I will be leaving soon.

Haldir: As you wish princess.

Haldir heads back inside, and Thranduil walks over to the balcony door, waiting for you to join him. You walk over to Thorin and place your hand on his cheek.

You: I am so sorry about all of this Thorin. It should never have happened this way. But it did. And it does not change anything.

Thorin: What do you mean? You cannot marry him. He lied to you, to both of us. I.. I love you Odette.

You: I an truly sorry for all the pain this has caused you. But I do not love you that way Thorin. You are like a brother to me, one of my best friends. But I love Thranduil. It has always been him.

Thorin: Is there anything I can do or say?

You: Yes. You can come to the wedding...

Thorin: ..Odette I...

You: Please. If you really love me, then please, try to be happy for me. I really want my friend there on that day with me. And I still owe you a dance.

Thorin: I.. I cannot my love. I am sorry.

You: Then this is goodbye Thorin. The invitation still stands if you change your mind.

You kiss him gently on the cheek and then go back inside with Thranduil. Thranduil tries to take your hand but you push his hand away. You get in your carriage outside the castle, and ride off home to Mirkwood. You and Thranduil sit alone in the carriage.

Thranduil: Odette I...

You: Dont... talk to me.

You sit in silence the entire ride home. And when you arrive at the palace you go straight to your room without even looking at Thranduil.

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