CHAPTER 38 - Blood

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The night goes on, and you and Thranduil are just enjoying some drinks and eachothers company. Then some nobles come over to talk to Thranduil about a battleplan against the potential threat in Mordor. You feel slightly lightheaded and decide to get some fresh air.

You: I will just go outside for a moment my love. I'll be back soon.

You give Thranduil a kiss on the cheek and walk out of the great hall.

After about 30 minutes all the guests are gathered in the throneroom, when Thorin comes over to Thranduil who is looking for you.

Thorin: Where is Odette? The corotation is about to start, and I want her to be here.

Thranduil: I dont know. She said she was just going to be a minute, but I cannot seem to find her.

Thorin: I feel like something is wrong. We must go look for her.

Right as they are about to go look for you, there is a loud scream from one of the guests in the room. They turn around along with all the other guests and see lady Margaery walking with you into the throneroom with a dagger pressing against your throat. You were white as a ghost, pressing one hand to the side of your stomack and Margaery held your other arm behind your back. She had stabbed you earlier in the side of your stomack, so your hands and dress was covered in blood. All the guests backed away from you both, but Thranduil and Thorin ran towards you. Margaery pressed the dagger harder against your throat, screaming.


Thranduil and Thorin stopped a couple of meters infront of you, and you could see how scared they both were.

Thorin: Margaery... put the dagger down.

Margaery: NO! She deserves to hurt, like I have! She has taken everything from me!

Thranduil: Stop this! She has done nothing wrong!

Margaery: NOTHING WRONG!? First she embarrassed me infront of my grandmother and all my friends at your party, when you asked her to marry you instead of me! And now that I have another chance at saving my kingdom by marrying Thorin she has to ruin that aswell! So what did she tell you Thorin? That I tried to seduced her husband? That I was not good enough for you? TELL ME!

Thorin: So its true? You were only after my money to save your kingdom?

Margaery: I would do whatever it took to save my kingdom, and get my family-name restored to its former glory! The way I see it, she has stolen my crown twice now! And for that she must pay!

Thorin: Look around Margaery! These people will never forgive you or your family if you harm Odette! She has done nothing wrong! The only thing she has stolen is the hearts of two men who would give the world to be with her!

Thranduil: Enough of this! What is your price Margaery? I will pay off your kingdoms debts, and also make sure that you and your grandmother is settled for life. What do you say to that?

Margaery: Its to late for that! These people will tell stories about this day and my name will be dragged through the mud. All I want now, is to see her die before your eyes.

Margaery tightens her grip around the blade, ready to slice your throat. You look at Thranduil one last time and then close your eyes, ready to feel the sharp pain of the blade. But the pain does not come. You feel Margaery letting go of you, and you fall to the floor exhausted. When you open your eyes, you see Margaery laying dead on the floor next to you with an arrow trough her chest. One of Thorins guards had shot her just in time, and killed her on the spot. Thranduil and Thorin rush to your side, and Thranduil lays your head in his lap.

Thranduil: Odette my love, are you alright? Speak to me please!

You are so weak that you do not have the strenght to speak. And you feel everything around you slowly going dark before you pass out.

Thranduil: No, no, NO! Dont give up my darling.

Thorin: She had lost a lot of blood Thranduil. Lets take her to my chamber, and then my people can help her.

Thranduil nods and gently picks you up in his arms. He carries you to Thorins chamber and puts you down on the big bed in the center of the room. Thranduil and Thorin are both rushed out of the room while the doctors and healers undress you and try to stop the bleeding.

Hourse have gone by, and they both sit outside Thorins chamber waiting for any news about you condition.

Thranduil: I cannot loose her Thorin. Not like this.

Thorin: I know. She is strong. She will get through this. She has always been a fighter.

Thranduil: That is true.

Thorin: Remember when we were younger, and we would tease her for not beeing able to lift as much, or run as fast as us.

Thranduil: Yeah I remember. But even if she was not strongest or faster then us, she still gave up a good fight. And we loved her for it. I guess we both still do.

Thorin: I guess we do.

Then the doors to the Thorins chamber open, and one of the doctors come out. Thranduil and Thorin both stand up and walk up to him.

Doctor: She is unconscious, and has lost a lot of blood. It is not safe to move her, so she must stay here a couple of days atleast. And then we will see.

Thranduil: See about what? Will she be alright?

Doctor: I am sorry my lord. But the only thing we can do now, is pray that she wakes up soon. Only then can we know what the damage is.

Thorin: Thank you doctor. May we go see her now?

Doctor: Yes my king.

Thranduil and Thorin go into the room and see you laying on the bed. They doctors have wrapped a bandage around your waist, and put a long white dress on you to keep you covered. Thranduil kneels by your bed and takes your hand. He kisses your hand while he cries silently. Thorin stands at the end of your bed, looking at your pale face.

Thorin: Stay as long as you like Thranduil. I will sleep in my old room, and you can stay here with her. If there is anything I can do...

Thorins voice starts to crack, and he leaves the room along with all the doctors and healers. You and Thranduil are alone, and he gets up of the floor and sits on the bed beside you, stroking your hair and kissing your hand.

Thranduil: Please my love. Dont leave me. I have been alone for so long and now... I need you. Just please wake up.

Thranduil sits by your bed the whole night crying. He blames himself for not looking after you. He feels he should never have let you go alone, and now he could loose you forever.

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