CHAPTER 61 - The new king of Gondor

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It has been a few years since the battle was won, and the war was finally over. There was peace in middle-earth atlast, and the ring of power had been destroyed. But in the beginning, you were in no mood to celebrate. The loss of Haldir had taken a toll on you, and you had spendt most of your days in your room at Mirkwood. You never told Thranduil about the kiss, or anything about the last moment you shared with Haldir before he died. But you felt that somehow he knew. He seemed to understand that you did not just mourn the loss of a soldier and a close friend, but that you were indeed heartbroken and needed time. You were so relived that Thranduil and Thorin were still alive and with you. That was the thing that over time healed your heart so that you could finally get out of your room and start living again. One beautiful spring day, you recive an invitation from Aragorn to attend a royal ball at Minas Tirith. He had finally exepted the role as the true king of Gondor, and both you and Thranduil were eager to see him again.

The city was decorated with flowers and banners, and the people were dressed in their finest clothes. As you and Thranduil make your way through the city, the people bow before you. They know what you both had done for them during the last battle, and they would be forever gratefull for all that you had done to help their kingdom.

Once inside the castle, you and Thranduil laughed and talked all evening. Celebrating with your friends and familiy, and all of your allies who fought beside you in the war. Thranduil could see from the corner of his eye that you were getting tired, so he leaned down to whisper in your ear.

Thranduil: Are you feeling alright my love?

You: Yes my love. I think this party is good for everyone, after all that has happened.

You have a sad look on your face as you say it, but you soon smile when you here laughter coming from across the room.

You:It sure looks like those two are having a good time.

Thranduil follows your gaze over to where Thorin and Aragorn are laughing and drinking.

Thranduil: Well its good that we are all together to celebrate tonight.

You: Not all of us. I dont know what I would do without all of you. I miss him so much Thranduil.

Thranduil: I know my love. I miss him too. Now lets go join the others.

You smile up at Thranduil and make your way to Thorin and Aragorn.

Thranduil: There he is. The true king of Gondor at last.

Aragorn: Well I guess there is no going back now. How are you two doing this evening?

Thranduil: We are doing very well my friend. This party is just what we all needed.

Thorin: And there is a lot to celebrate. Aragorn beeing crowned king, peace in middle-earth. And good friends drinking together.

Aragorn: And maybe also dancing together?

Aragorn smiles and offers you his hand.

Aragorn: If your husband allowes it of course.

Thranduil: You gentlemen need to find yourself a queen, and stop taking mine away from me.

Aragorn: I will give her back to you I promise. And until then, she will just have to suffer in my company.

Thranduil gives Aragorn a warning look, as Aragorn takes your hand and leads you to the dancefloor. Thorin laughs and patts Thranduil on the back.

Thorin: Will you ever stop getting jealous any time she is dancing with someone else?

Thranduil: No. I dont think I ever will. She is everything to me, and I dont think I will ever not be afraid of looseing her.

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