CHAPTER 47 - War is upon us

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The next day you wake up earlier than usual. You turn around to put your arms around Thranduil, but the empty bed next to you reminds you that he is no longer in Mirkwood. You feel your heart sink, but quickly get out of bed to get a bath to try not to think about it. You must be strong for your people, and you know Thranduil will return in time. He has to. After your bath you put on a brown and gold dress and one of your ceremonial headpieces. You are now the sole ruler of Mirkwood, and must attend to all the duties that would former fall onto the king. You stop infront of the tall mirror in the bedroom and take a deep breath before you go out into the livingroom.

On the couch infront of the fireplace you see Haldir still asleep, with a blanket draped over him. You cant help but smile when you see this large man sleeping on the very small couch. You walk over to him and kiss him on the cheek.

You: Good morning captain.

Haldirs eyes shoot open and he jumps out of the couch as he stands tall infront of you.

Haldir: My queen! You are awake. I was just...

You cant help but giggle and you feel yourself blush as Haldir stand infront of you without a shirt on. He is a lot bigger and his muscles are a lot more defined that Thranduils. He is a handsome and confident man, but stil he mutters his words to you like a shy little boy.

You: Its alright Haldir. Its still early, I just couldnt sleep any longer. Thank you for saying here last night, I feel alot better.

Haldir: Anything for you my queen.

You: Im going down to the throneroom now. I am sure there is a lot of work waiting for me.

Haldir: Of course my queen. I will escort you downstairs.

You and Haldir make your way to the door before you turn and look up at Haldir smiling. Haldir stops and looks down at you with a puzzled face as to why you have stopped. You lean forward and whisper in his ear.

You: Maybe you should put on a shirt before we go downstairs captain.

Haldir who has not until now realized he is standing very close to you without a shirt starts to blush, and he quickly turn around looking for his clothes. He puts on a shirt and he rest of his armour while you stand by the door giggeling. He return to you and clears his throat.

Haldir: Shall we go my queen?

You: If you are ready my captain.

You take his arm and you start walking downstairs to the throneroom.

Haldir: You will not mention this to the king will you?

You: What? That his captain stood shirtless infront of his queen just hours after he left for war? I think this will be our little secret captain.

You both laugh and make your way to the throneroom. You sit down at Thranduils throne, and Haldir stands infront of you at the bottom of the steps.

Haldir: Do you need anything my queen?

You: No thank you captain. That will be all for now. Just make sure the people know that Thranduil is of to war, but that Mirkwood is safe and no harm will come to them. I'll be here if anyone needs me.

Haldir takes a bow and leaves the room. You sit on the throne and grab on to armrest. You can truly feel the weight of the kingdom on your shoulder as you sit in Thranduils throne looking out the empty room. You take a deep breath and go to a door to the left in the room that leads to the study. There is a large wooden table in the center of the room. There are maps and other documents there that needs your attention. You grab a stack of papers and sit down on a chair by the table. You spend the rest of the day reading through it all, and signing the documents that are going out too the other kingdoms. You write letters to all your allies, telling them about the situation, and ask them to prepare to defend their homes. War in here, and you just hope that Thranduil is safe.

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