CHAPTER 29 - The wedding feast

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The wedding feast continiued outside in another part of the castle garden. There was a big white tent set up. With strings of lights in the ceiling and green vines decorating the outside. Inside the tent there were wooden tables with white flower centerpieces and a big dancefloor in the middle. After dinner, music and laughter filled the tent. And the guests gathered around the dancefloor to see the king and queens first dance.

You and Thranduil danced together with such elegance and grace. You felt so safe in his strong arms as he lifted you up and turned you around. The whole dance ended with a soft kiss, and applause from the quests. Soon everyone was dancing, drinking and having a wonderful time. You are standing with Thranduil talking to some of the guests when you hear a friendly voice behind you.

Thorin: If I am not mistaken, the bride owes me a dance.

You: Thorin you came!

You both laugh, and you throw your arms around Thorins neck and hug him. He lifts you off the ground while hugging you back. Then he puts you back down, and you turn to see Thranduils reaction. He is silent at first, but then he offers his hand to Thorin.

Thranduil: Thank you for beeing her Thorin. It means alot to have you here with us today.

Thorin does not take Thranduils hand, but he is not angry either.

Thorin: I did it for Odette. She deserves to be happy. And if this is what she wants, then all I can do is offer my services if she should ever need it.

Thranduil bows his head in respect to Thorin.

Thranduil: I see. Well then... she is all yours.

Thranduil gestures his hand towards the dancefloor. Thorin takes your hand and leads you to the center of the room. You dance with Thorin. You laugh and talk, and you feel complete now that you have your friend back.

Its getting late. You have spendt most of the evening talking to friend and family, and now you just want to be with your husband. Just as you are about to go look for him, you hear his voice coming from the dancefloor. Everyone gets quiet as Thranduil raises his glass to give a speech. He gestures for you to come and stand next to him.

Thranduil: Thank you all for beeing here on this evening. Both me and my queen have long waited for this day, and it has been all that we hoped and more. I dont know how I have deserved to have such a kind, generous and beautiful woman. But I know that she is a true blessing. Not only for me, but for the people of Mirkwood. I hope my love that you will except this small wedding gift from me. May he comfort you in dark times, when I cannot be with you.

Haldir comes out carrying a little white puppy. It was so cute, and almost looked like a little wolf. Haldir hands you the puppy, and you fall in love with him instantly.

You: Thranduil my love, he is beautiful.

You hug the little puppy, and everyone starts to laugh when he starts licking your nose. You then hand him over to Luna who cant belive she gets to hold him. You then turn to Thranduil and give his a kiss on the cheek.

You: Thank you my king, he is perfect.

Thranduil then raises his glass once more.

Thranduil: Thank you all again for beeing here tonight. Enjoy the rest of the feast, and have a safe journey home. Me and my bride will retire for the evening, but we hope to see you all again very soon.

The feast continiues, and people are again laughing, drinking and dancing. Thranduil takes his hand around your waist, and whispers in your hear.

Thranduil: Come my queen. I will show you to our new room.

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