CHAPTER 5 - Thranduil

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You and Thranduil were always close. When you were children playing in Mirkwood forest, you would always find the best hidingplaces. Behind riverfalls and high up in the trees. He was the kindest person you had ever known. You could talk to him if something was worrying you, and he would always find a way to make you feel better. You always felt that there had never been any romantical feelings involved when you were younger, or even when he wrote to you when you had left over seas. But times had changed, you had changed. And you could not deny that there had always been a special place in your heart just for him. But was it love? Even if it was, you knew he would never feel the same about you. Not after what happened with his parents.

As you stand there close to Thranduil, dancing, with your cheek agains his chest, he suddenly stops. The other quests are starting to come outside to the garden to look at the lanterns that will soon be released to signify the end of the party. He looks down at you and smiles.

Thranduil: I think this is where I leave you my dear. Thank you for a lovely evening Odette.

You: Must you go?

Thranduil: I am afraid so. But I hope to see you again soon. Here I have something for you.

Thranduil takes out a book from his uniform jacket and hands it to you. It has a brown leather cover, and a golden bow around it.

Thranduil: Just a little something to remind you of me. And remember that you are always welcome at Mirkwood. He kisses your hand and walks away into the crowd. You hug the book close to your chest, and go to find your father. Then you stand with your father and watch as the lanterns are released and float into the nightsky. This was an amazing night. But your heart was not sure what to think of all these new feelings. Would you ever find someone who felt the same way about the world as you did? Someone who would love you for who you were on the inside, and not just a price to be won in some stupid game of politics.

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