CHAPTER 43 - The council meeting

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One day, when you are walking in the garden with Thranduil, one of the guards hands him a letter from your father. You watch him read it with a serious look on his face, and then he looks at you.

You: What is it my love?

Thranduil: Its your father. He is asking me to attend a council meeting in Rivendell, it sound serious. I have to leave.

You: When?

Thranduil: How fast can you be ready?

Your face light up when you see him smile down at you.

You: You mean it? We'er both going?

Thranduil: Of course my love. Its your old home, and I know your father is eager to meet you. He would kill me if I did not bring you with me. And I dont want to let you out of my sight.

You: I love you my king. This will be great. I cant wait to see Rivendell again.

Thranduil: Then we leave at once. I'll inform Haldir, and in the meantime you run along at pack a small suitcase. I dont know how long we will be gone, but just bring what you think you'll need.

You give him a kiss on the cheek and run back to your room to start packing. You are so excited to finally see your old home again, and to see your father. But you are also thinking about the upcoming council meeting. What could it be about? You know there has been talk about a dark force growing in Mordor, but you hope it is just a rumour. Just the thought of the dark lord Suron returning sendes chivers down your spine. You keep packing, and try not to think about it. You just want to spend some time in Rivendell with your husband, and see your father.

(In this story, Legolas is not Thranduils son. Just an elven prince from another kingdom. And Vincent is still king of Gondor. So just forget about the whole Denetor being steward of Gondor storyline. And the rest of this story takes place parallell with the story in lord of the rings.)

You are finally back in Rivendell. It is just as beautiful as you remember it. The cherry blossom trees, and the smell of honey remind you of the day you came home from across the sea. You remember dancing with Thranduil alone in the garden, not knowing that you would return one day as his queen.

You carriage stops in the palace courtyard, and your father is there waiting for you. You sprint out of the carriage and throw yourself around him, hugging him tightly.

Elrond: Oh my sweet daughter. How I have missed you.

You: I have missed you too father. Its so good to be back here again.

Thranduil comes out the carriage, and walks over to you both. You let go of your father, and Thranduil pulls you close to him.

Thranduil: Its good to see you again lord Elrond. I hope you are well. When is the meeting?

Elrond: Thranduil. Good to see you too. The meeting is later today. We're just waiting for the rest of the quests to arrive. I have summoned the greatest of both men, elves and dwarves to this meeting. There has been a... development.

You father looks conserned, and he looks at you for a while before turning to Thranduil.

Elrond: Maybe we should talk in private my lord, and you can go get settled in your room Odette.

You: I am not a little girl anymore dad. I am the queen of Mirkwood, and want to know what is going on. No matter what the threat.

Thranduil chuckles and kisses the top of your head.

Thranduil: Trust me lord Elrond. She will not take a no for an answer. I think it is better just to let her come with us.

Elrond: You have grown so much my dear. You are becoming more and more determined like your mother.

Lord Elrond takes you to a room in the palace where you see Thorin waiting for you. You run to him and give him a hug.

You: My sweet Thorin. Its so good to see you again.

Thorin: Its good to see you too my dear. How are you feeling?

You: I feel great. No pain, just my old self again.

Thorin: That is good to hear. I dont think any of us in this room could live on if something happened to our little girl. Am I not right?

Thorin looks up at lord Elrond and Thranduil.

Thranduil: You are quite right my friend. Nothing can ever happen to my queen, or middle-earth would wall into dispaire.

You all laugh for a bit, but then your father gets a serious look on his face. He shows you to the table and you all sit down. He tells you that the «one ring» has been found, and brought to Rivendell. The council meeting is to decide what to do next, to ensure that the ring does not end up in the hands of the dark lord Suron. If he gets the ring, he will destroy all of middle-earth. You talk for a couple of hourse, and you all agree that the ring can not stay in Rivendell. It has to be destroyed.

All the other guests have arrived, and you gather outside at the councils secret location. You all sit in a circle and you look around to see only men gathered there. Women are not usually allowed to attend these meetings, but you are lord Elronds daughter, and wife of middel-earths most known warrior. So they all know to respect, and treat you as their equal. As you look around at all the men, elves and dwarves you lock eyes with someone staring at you. Your heart jumps, and you grab a hold of Thranduils hand.

Thranduil: What is it my love?

You: What is he doing here?

Thranduil looks up and sees Vincent sitting on the other side smiling at you. Thranduil leans down and whispers in your ear.

Thranduil: Dont worrie my dear, im here. He is king of Gondor so he has every right to be here. Just relax and focus on the meeting.

You take a deep breath and smile up at Thranduil. You give him a soft kiss on the lips, and see that Vincent gets uncomfortable and tries to look another way. You let go of Thranduils hand and sit up straight as lord Elrond start the meeting. He talks about the dangerous power the ring holds, and that no one can control it. Vincent claims that Gondor should have the ring, so they can defeat Sauron in battle. But in the end all agrees that the ring must be destroyed. The young hobbit that had brought the ring to Rivendell in the first place volunteer to take the ring to Mordor. Eight other people also volunteer to join him on his journey. You only hope they will be enough. The rest of the men agree to help out in any way they can, and Thranduil promises that him and his army will be ready to fight if needed. You a pain in your chest as Thranduil speaks about leaving for war, but you hope that it will not come to that.

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