CHAPTER 55 - The heir of Gondor

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You rode all day long, and it was beginning to get dark outside. You did not know how far along the army of Theoden had gone, but you knew you had to find them fast. The pain was almost unbearable as the friction from the saddle rubbed against your thigh. You held back your tears but Thranduil could see you pale face as he rode beside you.

Thranduil: Maybe we should stop and get some rest? We can continiue in the morning my love.

You: Im okey. Lets just go a little further. They cannot be too far ahead.

Thranduil nodded his head and you kept riding up the steep mountain road. After a while you could hear horses and see a light in the distance. It was the Theodens army up ahead that had set up camp for the night. You and Thranduil smiled at eachother and made your way to the campsite. Soldiers from all over middle-earth had come to fight alongside Theoden in this battle. They all took a bow as you and Thranduil rode into camp. They knew of the great king and warrior of Mirkwood. He was highly admired and respected by all these men. And you could see the hope in there eyes rise as they looked upon the war-hero that would soon join them in battle.

Thranduil stepped down from his horse as you arrived infront of king Theodens large tent. A solidier quickly came and look care of his horse while Thranduil helped you down of yours. You held on to his arm to support yourself and Thranduil turned to look at a guard outside the tent.

Thranduil: Tell your master that the king and queen of Mirkwood wish to speak with him.

The guard nodden and headed inside the tent. Thranduil looked down at your pale face.

Thranduil: Are you alright my queen?

You: Yes my love. Im just tired, thats all.

You smile up at Thranduil for a while and the guard comes back outside.

Guard: King Theoden will see you now.

Thranduil and you walked inside the tent. Inside you saw king Theoden going over the battleplans by a large table. He then turned to you both.

Theoden: King Thranduil. Its good to see you again.

Thranduil: You too king Theoden.

Theoden: And I am so glad you manage to get here safely your highness. Galdalf told me everything that happened. How are you feeling?

You: I am fine your highness. Gandalf helped heal my wounds, so I just need to rest for a bit after that long ride. But first I must speak with Aragorn.

Theoden: Yes, Galdalf told me that you wanted to talk to him about your plan. I just hope for all our sakes that he will listen.

Theoden orders one of his guards to get Aragorn to the tent. You stand there in an akward silence for just a moment before Theoden looks up at you with sadness in his eyes.

Theoden: I...I am so sorry for... everything that has happened to you your highness. First my sick and spoiled daughter, and now this. I am truly sorry. If there is anything I can...

You: Dont... please. There is no need. That is all in the past now. We need to focus on the future if middle-earth. I do not intend to loose my home and my family to some maniac.

Thranduil: And you never will my love.

Thranduil kisses your hand and you feel yourself melt into his arms as he holds you close. Before Theoden has the time to speak, Aragorn steps into the tent.

Aragorn: Thranduil my friend.

Thranduil: Aragorn. Good to see you back on your feet. You took quite the beating at Helms Deep.

Aragorn: That was because you were suposed to watch my back, but then you had to go all hero on us all, and jump off that roofe.

Thranduil: I just couldnt let you have all the fun.

Thranduil and Aragorn laugh and give eachother a brotherly hug.

You: Is that how you got that horrible wound? Jumping of a roofe for fun? I though I told you to be carefull.

Thranduil looks like a guilty dog as he turns to face you with your armes crossed.

Aragorn: Ohhh... looks like someone is in trouble.

Thranduil: Sorry...

Aragorn: You are a lucky man to have such a caring wife by your side. How are you feeling your highness?

You: I am fine Aragorn. Have you talked with Gandalf?

Aragorn: Yes, he said that you wanted to speak to me about something.

You stay silent for a while before you look at Theoden and Thranduil.

You: Could you leave us for just a minute?

Thranduil: l'll be right outside if you need me.

Thranduil gives you a kiss on the cheek before he leaves the tent with Theoden. You take a deep breath before you look up at Aragorn who is now standing infront of you.

You: How much did Gandalf tell you Aragorn?

Aragorn: Not much. Only that you had sees the dark lords plan to march to attack Minas Tirith, and that you needed to speak to me before the battle.

You: Yes it is true that he is sending a great army to attack the city, but there is more. He has also sendt another force that will attack from the river. A fleet of ships that will come from the south. If they are not destroyed, the city will fall. We are badly outnumbered Aragorn, and we need more men if we are to win this war.

Aragorn: There are no more men to aid in this battle. Evry last one of Gondors allies are ready to fight.

You: Its not enough. There are others that could help. The dead men of Dunharrow.

Aragorn: No. They are traitors, murderers. They awnser to no one.

You: They will awnser to the king of Gondor.

At that moment you pull out the sword that has been hiding under your cloak this entire time, and present it to Aragorn.

You: Andúril, the flame of the west. The sword that once cut the ring of power off of Saurons hand at the war of the last alliance.

Aragorn takes the sword and holds it firmly in his hand. He knows the story of how Isildur cut the ring of Surons hand. Aragorn was Isildurs heir, and rightfull heir to the throne of Gondor. If anyone was the rightful owner of this sword, it was him.

You: A man who can weild this sword can summon an army deadly than any that walkes this earth. Be who you were born to be. Claim the throne of Gondor and put an end to this war. The army of the dead will follow you, and you only. Please Aragorn... we need you.

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