CHAPTER 3 - Unwanted attention

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You finally get off the dancefloor and see your chance to sneak off for just a moment. You slip through a secret passage that leads you to the library. You are finally alone, and far away from male attention... or so you thought. As you stand there looking up at an old tapestry on the wall, you can feel that you are no longer alone. Your heart jumps when a male voice scares you.

Vincent: Hello your majesty.

You turn around and see a tall handsome man, with a dark uniform. During your training over seas, you have learned to know the faces of all the greatest men in middle-earth. This one was to exeption. This was King Vincent of Gondor. One of the greatest kingdoms in all the land. During the last two weeks leading up to your arrival home, Vincent had been writing you love-letters every single day. As had so many other suitors done. But his letters were different, more direct. He had not once hidden his desire to marry you, and was almost to intense at times. But you knew he had a reputation of beeing a womanizer. He loved woman, and woman loved him. But you were not going to be married to someone who just wanted you for a throphy whife.

You: Vincent. How nice to finally meet you face to face. I am so honoured that you could come this evening.

Vincent walkes slowly towards you, looking you deeply in the eyes.

Vincent: I would not miss it for the world my love. Let me have a look at you.

Vincent gestures for you to turn around. You play along with his little game, and turn around slowly so that he can see you in your dress. He then comes even closer and lifts you chin up with his hand, studying you face.

Vincent: Perfection. You truly are as beautiful as they say my love.

He leans in for a kiss, but you elegantly turn around and take a step away from him. Giving the impression that you did not notice what he was about to do. You just keep your eyes fixed on the tapestry, trying ignore his flirting.

You: Thank you Vincent. You are too kind.

Vincent steps closer to you, and you can feel his breath on your neck as he stands behind you.

Vincent: I see you like the tapestry. Do you know what is means?

You: Yes. I have heard of the legend it is depickting. An heir of Rivendell and an heir of Gondor will unite the two kingdoms, and bring peace to middle-earth in dark times.

Vincent putts his hands around your waist and pulls you inn close to him, as he whispers in your ear.

Vincent: Well here we are. A king of Gondor and a princess of Rivendell. Destined to unite our kingdoms. It is almost a little poetic, dont you think?

You twist away from his hold and take a step back from him, but still keep smiling.

You: Very funny Vincent, but like the tapestry says, it is to happen in dark times. And luckly the world is not that dark yet. Now if you would excuse me, I need to get back to the party before anyone notice that I am missing.

Vincent grabs your waist and pulls you close to him once again.

Vincent: I was not beeing funny my dear. We are ment to be together,and you will one day be my queen.

You: Who I marry is up to ME! And not some stupid tapestry. I will marry out of love, and nothing else.

Vincent takes a deep breath and strokes you cheek.

Vincent: Well then I guess I will have to make you fall inlove with me then.

Vincent leans in for another kiss but this time a palace guard walks in the room.

Palace guard: Your father is looking for you princess.

You sigh in relife as you smile up at Vincent.

You: Im so sorry Vincent. But it seems that I am needed elsewere.

You leave the room with the guard, and cant help but giggle thinking about how lucky you were to getting out of there.

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