CHAPTER 54 - The sword

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The next day you wake up early to make your way to Rivendell. Thranduil is also awake, packing your things. You wound have closes up nicely, but you still feel a burning sensation whenever you come near your thigh. You are able to stand up and walk over to the tall mirror in the bedroom. The bitemark on your neck is still there and has also left a bruise. You put on a simple green dress with a white shirt underneath, trying to hide your neck with the collar. Thranduil has given Haldir the order to send the royal guard to help Gondor. A few soldiers are left behind to protect the people of Mirkwood incase anything goes wrong. Gandalf had gone to Rohan to tell Aragorn and Theoden about Surons plan to attack Gondor. You just hoped you had enough time to get to Rivendell, not knowing exactly which day Saurons army wound attack. You and Thranduil make your way to Rivendell to talk with your father, and to pick up a very important item for your plan.

When you reach Rivendell, you make your way to the garden to find lord Elrond.

You: Father!

Elrond: My dear daughter! What are you doing here!? Is everything alright?

You tell your father everything that has happened, and that you need his help to ensire that this was comes to an end.

You: Please father... do it for me.

Elrond: I will make all the arrangements. It will take some time, but it will be ready so you can bring the sword to Aragorn.

Elrond leaves your side and goes to talk to his blacksmiths.

Thranduil: The sword that was broken. You really think they will listen to him?

You: If he weilds the sword of Gondor, they will have to answer to him. Its the only way to ensure we win this fight. And also for Aragorn to claim his place as king of Gondor. It has to work... for all our sakes.

Thranduil: What now? We just wait?

You: Pretty much. They will have to weld it back together, and then we must find Rohans army. That is where Aragorn will be. I just hope we make it there in time.

Thranduil: Well I know with roads they will be using, so finding them should be no problem. But we will have to ride there. It is a steep mountain road, and the carriage will not take us all the way.

You: Thats fine. As you know I am an excellent rider.

Thranduil: I know, but what about that.

Thranduil has a worried look and points to your thigh.

You: I'll be fine. I can hardly feel it. Gandalf must have really done a gone job in healing it.

You smile and put your hands around Thranduils neck. Giving him a long and loving kiss. The truth was that the pain was killing you. Just from riding in the carriage on the bumpy road made you let feel like your leg was on fire. But you had to keep cool and not let Thranduil see it. He had enough to worrie about right now. You did not want to get him distracted since he was soon going to be finghting with his army at Gondor. You thought you had lost him the last time he went out to war, and you feared that this time he would not return to you. You set this plan into action for the sake of all of middle-earth. But also to ensure that Thranduil would return to you unharmed.

After a few hours the sword was ready, and your father brought it to you and Thranduil. The guards that had brought you to Rivendell, you sendt back to Mirkwood to stay with the people. You and Thranduil would make the rest of the journey alone. Lord Elrond provided you with two horses and you made your way to find Theodens army, and Aragorn.

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