CHAPTER 23 - The library

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You walk down the hall with Thranduil. And then he stops infront of the door to the library and you both go inside. You are completely alone, and you starts getting confused.

You: Wait... you said you needed me to pick out some flowers. But the flowers that we will be using in the spring is not in bloom now.

Thranduil: I know... I just needed to get you away from the children.

You: Why did you need to do that?

Thranduil: So that they dont see this!

Thranduil wraps his hands around your waist, and pushes you agains the wall. He takes his hand behind your head and kisses you passionatly. He has never kissed you like this before, it is strong and forcefull. And you feel your body respond to his touch as his hand starts to explore your curves. You place one hand on his chest, and the other around his strong muscular arm. He then takes a hold of your hair and pulls your head slightly to the side as he starts kissing and biting your neck. You feel you knees getting weak, and you let out a slight moan as Thranduil strong body press you even more against the wall. He then whispers in your ear.

Thranduil: I dont know if I can wait until spring to be with you my bride.

You: I know my love. But we must wait. It will be worth it, I promise.

You take your hand and run it through his hair and pull him in for one more kiss. Then you hear the sound of people outside the library door and you pull away, hiding behind a bookself, laughing. Thranduil tucks a piece of hair behind you hair.

Thranduil: So what does my future queen have planned for today?

You: Well Im going down to the kitchen later to deside on the cake for the wedding. And then I might take a ride down to the lake. Oh... and I must find a dress for the party tomorrow.

Thranduil: Oh yes... the party...

You: You do remember Thorins invitation right?

A few days ago you recived an invitation to Thorins birthday party. Since then Thranduil has not seemed to keen on going. He says it is because he wants to protect you in case Vincent will be there, but you have insisted on going anyway.

Thranduil: Of course I remember. Just make sure to be close to me all night. I dont want anyone to think they can steal my bride away from me.

Thranduil smiles and kisses your hand.

You: You have nothing to worrie about my love. Besides... I know you have alot of important people to talk to that evening. And Haldir will be there if I need him.

Thranduil: You are my world, and I will let nothing come between us ever. I love you so much my bride.

You: I love you too Thranduil.

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