CHAPTER 44- Aragorn

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After the meeting you all go to the library to discuss battle plans, and to get something to drink. You cant stop thinking about the dark powers of Mordor, and how this quest to restroy the ring seems hopeless. The fate of middle-earth lies in the hands of these nine people who are going to Mordor alone. What will happen to Mirkwood if they do not succeed? Thranduil senses your worrie, and takes your hands in his.

Thranduil: Do not fear my queen. I will not let anything happen to you. This threat is going to be eliminated, one way or the other. You must have faith in the fellowship of the ring.

You: How can you be so calm? Why are you so sure that they will succeed?

Thranduil: Because they have him.

Thranduil looks over at the dark haired man standing in the corner. He was very handsome, but his clothes and maner was not one of a nobleman or a king. He looked more like a mixture of a soldier and a traveler.

You: Who is he?

Thranduil: He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Isildurs heir, and the rightful king of Gondor. But he does not want the throne. He is afraid that he will end up like Isildur. Corrupted and powerhungry.

You: But what about Vincent? How can he have a claim to the throne?

Thranduil: Vincent was next in line after Aragorn. So he has every right to the throne as long as Aragorn does not seek it. But he has always feared that Aragorn might one day come to claim it, so he has made himself a small private army of corrupted soldiers in case he would need to fight to keep it.

You: And you thing Aragorn is the key to winning this war?

Thranduil: He is a good man. I have known him a long time. And his father even longer. So if Aragorn is anything like him, middle-earth is in safe hands. Come. I'll introduce you to him.

Thranduil takes your hand, and you walk over to where Aragorn is standing alone.

Thranduil: Aragorn my friend.

Aragorn: Lord Thranduil. It good to see you again. I wished it had been under different circumstances, but war is not only a time for enemies but also good friends.

Thranduil: Wise words my friend. I would like you to meet my wife. Queen Odette of Mirkwood.

Aragorn takes a bow and kisses your hand.

Aragorn: I have heard many stories of your beauty your highness, but I must say they do not do you justice.

You: That is too kind of you sir. Thranduil tells me you were good friends a long time ago.

Aragorn: Yes. We have fought many battles together. And you cannot imagine the amount of trouble we got into when we were younger.

You: Oh I belive it. Not much has changed since then, I promise you.

Aragorn: Beautiful and funny? Thanduil, what did you put in her wine to make her marry someone you?

Thranduil: To this day I have no idea how I have been so lucky.

You all laugh, but then the reality of why you are all there hits you.

Thranduil: So do you think the young hobbit is strong enough to take the ring all the way?

Aragorn: He has come this far. Hobbits are stronger than they look. I just hope we can make it past the black gate.

You: But can he really be brought back, Sauron? Like... can he ever have a physical body again?

Aragorn: I hope for all our sakes, your highness, that he never does.

As you stand there talking, you see Vincent making his way towards you. You try to ignore him, but he steps right up to you. Not caring that Thranduil or Aragorn is there. He takes your hand and kisses it gently.

Vincent: Your highness. What a lovely sursprise. I did not know you would be attending this meeting.

You: Hello Vincent. I was invited by my father so...

Thranduil: Is everything alright my dear?

Thranduil turns and looks you in the eyes to see if you need him to step in.

You: Yes all is well my love. I am just catching up with Vincent. Just continiue the conversation without me and I will call if I need you.

Thranduil looks sternly at Vincent before he turns back to you and kisses you. You feel like the kiss lasts a bit longer than usual, and you suspect Thranduil is claiming you infront of Vincent.

Thranduil: Well then. If you need me, I'll be over here talking to Aragorn.

He gives Vincent another look, and walks back to Aragorn. Vincent takes your hand, and you walk just a few feet away.

Vincent: He is very posessive isnt he? Does he still think I want you for myself?

You: Well do you?

Vincent: Odette my love. That was a long time ago, I have moved on, really. I know if we are ment to be together, it will happen somehow.

You: Only time will tell I guess.

Vincent: Do you remember the first time we met? It was right here in this room, by that tapestry over there. I fell in love with you the second I saw you, and I hoped you would one day love me too. But I guess times have changed. I hope you can forgive me for the kiss that night at Mirkwood.

You: Well it was an awfull kiss Vincent. But I guess I can forgive you for that. What I cannot forgive, is the way you threatened me. What was it you said again? That you would burn this place to the ground.

Vincent: I am truly sorry about that my love. In my defence I was very drunk, and very angry. I loved you with all my heart, and I could not stand you not loving me back. Just know that if your kingdom ever needs the help of Gondor, I will come no matter what to help you. These are dark times, and we must stand together if we are ever going to defete Sauron.

You: Wow Vincent. That is very kind of you. I will remember that. And you are right. We must let the past be past, and stand together in these dark times. Now if you will excuse me, I will have to get back to my husband.

Vincent: You do that my dear. And I hope to see you again soon.

He kisses your hand, and walks away smiling. Why was Vincent so nice just now? Had he really moved on, now that you had married Thranduil? That must be it. He has finally given up. Thank god for that.

You return to Thranduil and Aragorn, and you stay at the library talking for hours. Aragorn goes to bed early because of the long journey beginning the next day. You and Thranduil go to bed a little later, but you cannot sleep. You think about how Thranduil might be needed in battle, and you think about Mirkwood and your people. What will happen if the followship fail in their quest? Only time will tell.

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