CHAPTER 7 - The galla at Erebor

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Months go by, and your father urges you to find a husband. It is custom that you find a suitor before spring comes. But you calm him down saying that it is still to early to deside. And that there are so many lovely events coming up in the summer months. Partys, gallas, coronations are all good opportunities to find the right match. But you insist on marrying out of love, and think to yourself that it is going to be hard falling inlove with someone you have just met.

Finally some good news. You recive an invitation to the yearly trading galla at Erebor. Once a year the riches men and woman from all over middle-earth gather at Erebor to trade jewls and other treasure. Erebor is known for its fine gems craftet under the mountain. This is also a feast to celebrate peace between all the kingdoms, and the acceptance of all races.

You are so exited to go to the party. Not only to meet new people and dance. But you will also be seeing your friend Thorin again. You pick out a light blue dress with white crystals all over, making it look like little stars. The crystals were a gift from Thorins father, and you hoped that you would get the chance to speak with him at the party. Thorin had written to you in a letter that his father wished to see you again soon, as he was feeling ill.

Its the night of the party.

From the outside Erebor looked like any other castle. Large grey stone-walls that blended into the rest of the mountain. But on the inside, Erebor was covered in gold and gems. You are accompanied by your father. And you both make your way to the throneroom where Thorin is greating all the quests. Once Thorin sees you and you father he excuses himself from the other guests and makes his way over to you.

Thorin: Lord Elrond! How good to see you my friend.

Thorin firmly shakes your fathers hand.

Thorin: And princess Odette. How you become even more beautiful everytime we meet I do not know.

Thorin kisses your hand, and you have to turn away slightly not to show you are blushing. It feels so strange getting compliments on your looks from someone you consider a close friend.

You: Thank you your majesty. And thank you for inviting me to this wonderfull evening. Is your father not joining us?

Thorin: It is your presens that makes it a wonderfull evening my dear. And my father will be here later, he is just resting at the moment. He will be so glad to see your angelic face again.

You blush again and cant seem to find the right words to say in return. Luckily your father is there to break the silence.

Elrond: She is a rare beauty indeed, just like her mother was. You wrote in your letters that you had some urgent matters that you needed to discuss with me?

Thorin: Yes lord Elrond. I have some maps that I want you to take a look at. One of our scouts claim to have seen movement neer Mordor. And since you have been there before I was hoping to get your input.

Elrond: Mordor? But nothing is left in that wasteland. Tell me everything you know.

You feel a sudden change in your fathers voice, and deside to remove yourself from the conversation.

You: I think I will let you two talk alone. I dont care much for politics.

Thorin: Wait Odette.

As you are about to leave Thorin stops you. He turns around and pour you a glass of champagne.

Thorin: There you go, you are all set. Do you see those tables over there?

He point to a some tables across the hall where a few other quests have gathered.

Thorin: I have put out a collection of all the finest gems we have found this year. Have a look around and I will find you shortly.

You: Lovely. I'll see you both later then.

The lady of MirkwoodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora