CHAPTER 10 - Gossip

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You find locate the nearest glass of champagne and start to mingle with some of the other ladies at the party, determined to enjoy the rest of the evening. You exchange compliments about eachothers dresses, and talk about how all the bachelors at the party are constantly trying to get your attention. You laugh, drink and have a wonderful time talking to these girls. Then you start to talk about potential suitors. Everyone has their eyes set on someone different, but you all agree that Vincent is a no-go however you look at it.

Girl 1: Soooo... who have you got your eyes set on Odette.

You blush and try to hide your face, and you all start to giggle.

Girl 2: I've heard a rumour that someone saw you dancing with lord Thranduil alone in the palace garden at your party.

The other girl open their eyes wide and stare at eachother.

Girl 3: Is it really true? Lord Thranduil?

Girl 4: The lone wolf?

You: Well yes we did dance. He is a very dear friend of mine, nothing else.

Girl 2: Well that explains it. We had started to think he had changed his mind about marriage. I mean if he was on the marked... I would throw myself in those strong arms of his right away.

All the girl giggle, and nod their heads. They all agree that Thranduil is very handsome, but they know as well as you do, that he is not interessed in marriage.

Girl 1: Tell us more about him! Is he really as cold-hearted as they say?

Girl 3: Does he ever smile?

Girl 2: Is it true that he took on a cavetroll single handedly and did not even get a scratch?

Suddenly they all go quiet and look at someone standing behind you. You do not turn around, but understand from their faces who it is so you smile.

Thranduil: There were infact two cavetrolls, and it did leave me with a broken rib. And yes I did smile once, but it did not suite my face so....

You slowly turn around trying not to laugh at Thranduils remarks.

You: My lord.

Thranduil: My dear Odette. How good it is to see you again. I hope its alright with you ladies that I steal her away for just one moment.

The girl nod and look at eachother and smile. You take a hold of Thranduils arm and you walk away together.

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