CHAPTER 28 - My queen

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There is a knock at the door and Haldir comes in. He is wearing his full royal guards uniform, but he has also added a silver cape and a simple headpiece for the occation.

Haldir: Are you ready prin.....

Haldir stops mid sentence and just looks at you with his mouth open.

You: Its not nice to stare captain. Shall we be on our way?

Haldir: Ehhh... yes of course princess. My apologies. Its just that you... I mean you look...

You give Haldir a kiss on the cheek and take hold of his arm. You look up at him smiling.

You: Thank you captain. You dont look to bad yourself.

Haldir smiles down at you and you start to walk towards the castle garden. You stop, just out of sight, at the top of the staircase overlooking the garden that had been transformed into a beautiful wedding venue. The ground if covered in white rosepettals and you can see all the quests are seated on either side of the aisle. You are met by your father, lord Elrond, who kisses you cheek.

Elrond: You look beautiful my daughter. As your mother was. She would be so proud of you. As I am.

Haldir kisses your hand and leaves you with your father, as he makes his way down the stairs to stand by Thranduil at the end if the aisle. You can see Thranduil looking very handsome in his wedding uniform. He had always had great taste. Normally he would mix different styles. His outfits would be gracefull and elegant, but always accompanied with either a sword or some type of armor to show his tough and serious side. This day however he had not a single piece of armor or weapon on him. He was pure and almost angelic. But because of his hight and build he still displayed strength and confidence.

Could this really be happening? Were you really going to marry this man? The boy that you had known your whole life, your best friend. He who you had always loved, but never thought he felt the same. This was the beginning of the life you had always dreamed about. And soon you would be his queen.

You take a hold of your fathers arm, and take a deep breath as you hear the music starts to play. You look at your father who smiles back at you with tears in his eyes. And then you and your father start to walk down the long white staircase. All the guest rise and turn around to see you coming down the aisle. You feel your heart beating faster then ever before, and you try to focus on not falling. Then you meet Thranduils eyes at the end of the aisle, and you feel yourself calming down. Your father gives you a kiss on the cheek, and stands off to the side as you let go of his arm. Thranduil offers you his hand, and you take it as you face eachother under a large flower covered archway.

The ceremony quite long, but you and Thranduil dont mind. You just stand there lost in eachothers eyes. The only time you ever look away was when Luna came down the aisle with the rings. She looked to pretty in her dress, and she smiled the entire time. You give her a little wink while she is presenting the rings to you and Thranduil. You take one ring each, and Luna joins the other ladies by the side during the rest of the ceremony.

Thranduil: With this ring, I promise to love you, protect you and honour you for as long as there is breath in my body. My queen.

Thranduil places the ring on your finger.

You: With this ring, I promise to be your light in darkness. I give you my heart, my soul and my love. My king.

You place the ring on Thranduils finger. Thranduil then takes your hand, and you both turn to face the crowd.

Haldir: Let it be known throughout the land that today, Mirkwood had been given a new queen. Long live the queen!

Crowd: Long live the queen! Long live the king!

The crowd cheers and applauds as you and Thranduil seal the cermony with a long kiss.

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