CHAPTER 53 - The white tree

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Later that day you starts to wake up. Thranduil is sitting beside you in your bed, holding your hand. He has not left your side or eaten the entire day. You slowly start to open your eyes, and you feel a burning pain on your thigh as you try to move. You cry out in pain as the bandages pull on your wound.

You: Aaahhhh...

Thranduil: Stay still my love. You have a large burn on your thigh.

You look up at Thranduil, and start to remember all that had happened in your dreams. Saurons face, his burning grip on your skin, and his teeth digging into your neck. You break down and cry into Thranduils chest as he hugs you tightly, but try not to move you too much.

You: It was him Thranduil! It was Surson! I could not escape his grip! His yellow eyes burned through my soul! He felt so... real!

Thranduil: Its alright my love. I am here now.

You: He wanted to hurt me, so that you would swear you allegiance to him. You must not do it Thranduil! No matter how badly he hurts me, you must not let him win!

Thranduil: I know. He used dark magic to enter your mind, but Galdalf have put a spell on you. Sheilding you from Surons dark powers. He will not get to you ever again. I promise.

You: Galdalf? Is he here?

Thranduil: Yes he is here. Why?

You: I must speak to him!

You try to get out of bed, but the pain on your leg is too much, and you scream out again in pain.

You: Aaahhh...

Thranduil: Dont move... please! I'll get him in here for you.

Thranduil runs out the room and tell the guards to get Grandalf. When he gets back to the room you are still trying to get out of bed, but he quickly gets you lie back.

Thranduil: Please my love, dont move! The ointment that the doctors put on your wound should heal you in just a few days, but until then you must be still.

He kisses your hand, and holds it tight as he stands next to you. You are about to say something when Gandalf enters the room.

Galdalf: Your highness. It is good to see you finally awake. How are you feeling?

You: Thank you Galdalf. I still in a lot of pain, but that does not matter now. You have to listen to me. Sauron is going to attack Gondor!

Thranduil: What are you talking about my love?

You: When I looked into Saurons eyes I saw his plan. I dont think he knows what I saw. But it was clear as day. He will start with Gondor. I saw the white three in the courtyard of Minas Tirith burning, and people running away as thousands of orcs filled the city. His army is going to be there in a few days, we have to stop him!

Galdalf: And you dont think the dark lord knows that you saw his plan?

You: No, it was like he  had to give up something as his hands burned me. Like he could not hurt me without his eyes giving away his every thought.

Gandalf: Then we might have a chance of defeating him. He does not know that we know his plan, so we can get as many as we can to Gondor.

You: There is more. We need to find Aragorn. Where is he? Is he still at Rohan?

Gandalf: Yes he is still there. Why?

You: He is the key to winning this war. I must go to Rivendell at once and speak with my father.

Thranduil: You are not going anywhere! You can bearly move without hurting yourself!

You: This is war Thranduil! I have to go. This is bigger than me, than any of us.

Thranduil: NO! You are not strong enough. I will go. Just tell me what you need me to do.

You: It has to be me. I am sorry. There is no time to explain. Just... get the doctors back in here. Make them give me something so that I can get out of this bed. Anything.

Gandalf: Maybe I can help you. If your king will let me.

You look at Thranduil with tears in your eyes begging him to let you do this. He is so afraid of looseing you, but he knows that you will go with or without his permission.

Thranduil: What do you have in mind Gandalf?

Gandalf: I have a spell that can make her wound close up. She will still have some pain, but she will not have to worrie about it getting infected. It will take a few hours to prepear, but I can do it so that she will be able to travel in the morning.

You: My love, let me do this. You can come with me, and we can put an end to this war. Please.

Thranduil: Alright. But if you get hurt I will...

You: I wont. Trust me.

Gandalf: Then it is settled. I will go and get some things from the healers and I'll be back soon.

You: Thank you Gandalf... for everything.

Galdalf leaves the room, and Thranduil walks over to the end of your bed and runs his hand across his face as he sighs.

Thranduil: You are the most stupid, irritating, stubborn, and brave little angel I have ever known. Why cant you just listen to me for once?

You: Because im done sitting on that throne smiling, knowing that there is something bigger going on out there. Something that I now have the power to something about. I know you dont like it, but I need you to trust me and stand by my side. Can you do that for me?

Thranduil walks over and lies in the bed next to you. He grabs your hand and looks deeply into your eyes.

Thranduil: I just... dont want to see you get hurt.

You: And you wont. Why do you think I am bringing you with me? You are my bodyguard, nothing more.

You smirk, knowing how to tease him.

Thranduil: Just a bodyguard you say...?

You: Well what else would I need you for?

Thranduil chuckles and leans down to kiss you on the lips. But you put your finger on his lips, stopping him from getting close enough.

You: I am sorry sir, but I am a married woman.

You both laugh before you pull him close, kissing him passionatly. You then feel a sharp pain in your tigh and you pull away.

You: Maybe we should take it easy.

Thranduil: Sorry. I just cant help myself around you my love.

You both just lay there looking at eachother. Galdalf comes back a few moments later with everything he needs to begin the spell that will close up your wound. After a few hours you feel much better, and you try to get some sleep before your journey to Rivendell in the morning. You know what you have to do, but you will need the help of everyone you know to make this plan work. Only then can the war be over. And maybe... just maybe. There is still a chance for the one ring to be destroyed.

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