CHAPTER 19 - Unbroken

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Back inside the banquet hall, you and Haldir find Thranduil. He can see as you are coming closer that something is wrong.

Thranduil: What is the matter love? Is everything all right?

You: Its nothing really. I just ran into Vincent, and he was not happy about me rejecting him.

Thranduil: Yes I saw him just now, running out the door. Did he hurt you?

You: No he did not hurt me. He just kissed me. .....and I might have slapped hin across the face. He then made some threats that I dont know if I should take serious or not.

Thranduils face turns to anger and he looks stearnly at Haldir.

Thranduil: And where were you...captain... when all this took place?! You had one job, and that was to protect the princess!

Before Haldir has the chance to awnser you step infront of him, looking up at Thranduil.

You: Please dont be angry with him. He saved me just as Vincent was about to attack me. If it had not been for him, I dont know what would have happened.

You try to calm Thranduil by stroking his arm. You have never seen him this angry before, and you dont want Haldir to get in trouble.

Thranduil: Get out of my sight captain! I will watch over Odette for the rest of the evening. You just make sure that man Vincent does not get back inside.

Haldir: Yes my king!

Haldir walks off. You see Thranduils face soften as he calms back down. He takes your hands.

Thranduil: Odette I am so sorry this happened. I should have been there to protect you. Now... lets go someplace quiet so you can tell me about these threats.

You nod and take a hold of Thranduils arm as he leads you through the corridor and up the stairs to the castle library. There are two soldiers outside guarding the door. Thranduil turns to one of the guards before you go inside.

Thranduil: Make sure that we are not disturbed.

Then you both go inside and he closes the door behind you. The palace library is beautiful. With big windows all around you can see the stunning colours from the mapleforest as the sun is about to set. Thranduil takes your hand, and you both sit down on a sofa by one of the windows. You tell him all about Vincents threats to destroy Rivendell, but he assures you that will never happen. He reminds you that you have alies all over middle-earth who would not let Rivendell fall at any cost. And you feel so relived realizing that he is right. You sit close to him and lean you head on his chest, while he strokes your hair.

Thranduil: Do you feel better now my love?

You: Yes. Thank you. You always know how to make me feel better. Always.

Thranduil clears in throat, and you sit back up and look at him.

You: Did I say something wrong my lord?

Thranduil: No... not at all. Odette... there is something I have been meaning to ask you, ever since you came back.

You: Yes of course, anything.

Thranduil stands up and walks over to the window, looking out at the forest.

Thranduil: Ever since my mother died I have been alone. Her death broke my fathers heart and soul, and i vowed never to marry. So that I could spear myself the pain that he felt. But I am in pain. My people are in pain. And I feel as I am letting my people down.

You stand up and join Thranduil my the window.

You: My lord, your people loves you. They know that you will do anything to protect them.

Thranduil: Thats just it. I protect them. I am a soldier, not a king. They need someone to lead them, to inspire them. My people respect me, but they do not love me. And I know that is my fault. I push people away, and lock my feelings inside to protect myself. But my people are paying the price. And I feel as if I can no longer keep these feelings inside. Or else I will be ruined even worse than my father. Broken.

You: You are not Broken. And you are not this cold figure you describe. I know you to be the most loving man in the world. Kind, gentle, passionate. Please dont think so little of yourself.

Thranduil smiles and turns to face you.

Thranduil: When Im with you, it is easy for me to be that man. You bring out the best in me, but every second we are apart I loose myself again into darkness. You mean the world to me, and I dont want to be without you a second longer. Mirkwood needs you. I need you.

You: What are you saying?

Thranduil kneels down before you, and presents you with a beautiful rings. You feel yourself tear up, and you cannot belive this is really happening.

Thranduil: Odette, daughter of Elrond and princess of Rivendell. I love you with all of my heart, and I hope that you feel the same for me. Will you give me the honour of becoming queen of Mirkwood, and my most of all my wife?

You: Thranduil I...I dont know what to say.

Thranduil: Say yes. And you will make me the happiest man in the world. I promise I will spend the rest of my life loving you, and keeping you safe.

You: Yes of course i'll marry you.

Thranduil smiles and puts the ring on your finger. Then he stands up and pulls you close. You cant belive this is happening, this must be a dream. You have always loved him, but never thought he would express those feelings in return. He takes his hand behind you head and pulls you inn for a kiss. The first kiss is soft and gentle. But when your lips pull apart you feel them crashing back together in passion. You have both longed for this moment for so long. Nothing could pull you apart, and you felt as if your could stay in this kiss forever.

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