CHAPTER 9 - The gift

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Finally he is gone. You think that you must find a suitor to stay by your side this evening, and maybe then he will leave you alone. As you look around Thorin comes up to you. Perfect! He can be your shield, atleast for now.

Thorin: So... did you find anything you liked?

Thorin gestures his hand to the table with the jewls.

You: Oh they are all so beautiful Thorin. Do all these stones come from underneath the mountain?

Thorin: Yes my people find these stones in the walls of the mountain. And then we clean and polish them so they can become fine jewlery. Let me see...

Thorin looks at you up and down, then turns his attention to some of the necklaces on the table. He picks one up and holds it agains your dress.

Thorin: I think this is the one.

Thorin then goes behind you and pushes your hair out of the way as he puts the necklace on you. You turn around and he smiles at you.

Thorin: That looks perfect on you.

You: Thorin its beautifu, but I cannot except this. Its to much.

Thorin: Nonsence! It is a welcome home gift. And it is a gemstone galla after all.

You: No I think it is called a trading galla Thorin.

You take out the blue topaze hairclip you have on and attach it on Thorins uniform chest.

You: There you go. I will only except your gift if you except mine.

Thorin places his hand over his chest where the hairclip is.

Thorin: I will wear this with pride for the rest of my days. Thank you.

You both go quiet for a while, just smiling at eachother. And you start to think that Thorin sees you as more than just a good friend. Then you see Thorin smiling at someone behind you. You turn around and see Thrain, Thorins father, standing behind you.

Thorin: Hello father. How nice of you to join us. I think you will recognize this lovely lady.

Thrain: Yes of course. How could I forget those beautiful eyes. Odette my sweet girl.

You smile and give Thrain a big hug.

You: Your majesty! It is so good to see you. How are you feeling today?

Thrain: Better, much better! But I have also drank alot of wine this evening, so that might be why.

All three of you laugh. Then you see Thorin beeing called over by some lords at the other and of the gems table.

Thorin: If you will excuse me. I have some business to attend to. May we talk again later tonight?

You: Yes of course. I will be safe with your father.

Thorin: I would not be so sure.

Thorin laughs as he walks off. You take a hold of Thrains arm and you both walk over to the throne where Thrain sits down resting.

Thrain: So my child... I must ask you. What have you done to my son?

You: Im sorry...?

Thrain: I see the way he looks at you. And that necklace you are wearing. That gem is one of the rarest this mountain have ever seen. He would only give that to someone he truly cares about.

You touch the necklace knowing that Thrain is right. Thorin loves you, he really does.

You: He really is a great man your son. I know he would be a good match for me... but....

Thrain: ...but you do not love him. It's alright child. The heart wants what it wants.

You: But I do love him... its just.... not in the same way he feels about me. He is my best friend. I am afraid if I reject him, I might loose him for good.

You feel as if you want to cry, but Thrain takes your hand and smiles at you.

Thrain: Thorin is a grown man. He can take care of himself. If he really loves you, he would want nothing more than to see you happy. Even if that means with someone else.

You: Thank you for understanding your majesty.

You give Thrain a kiss on the cheek before you go back to join the party. The evening is till young, and you are prepeared to enjoy yourself. With or without a man on your arm.

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