CHAPTER 48 - A changed man

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It was been weeks since Thranduil left for Rohan, and all you have heard is that the white wizard Sauroman had sendt a large army to kill everything in its way. People had begun to loose hope, and every day you waited to get word that Thranduil was safe, but nothing came. You felt so hopeless and alone sitting on the throne at Mirkwood. But you had to stay strong for your people, and could not show any weakness incase someone wanted to invade Mirkwood now that Thranduil was away.

One day you are sitting on the throne wearing a long golden dress with gold accessories. The fabric of the dress is delicate and almost sheer, but the gold metal details makes it look almost like an armour. You are trying your best to seem strong and confident. But inside your heart is breaking, and you just want to have your husband back safely. Haldir is standing to the right of the throne in his full royal armour. You feel so much safer with him by your side, but you know that if Thranduil does not return, you will need a lot more than just one brave soldier. Thranduil had of course left some guards behind to protect Mirkwood, but if war truly came, you would need help from your allies as soon as possible. Then the large door to the throneroom opens and you look up, hoping for news about Thranduil. One of your guards come forward and kneels at the bottom of the stairs.

Guard: King Vincent of Gondor askes for an audience with you my queen!

You nod, and the guard walks back outside. You look over at Haldir and he walks over to you.

You: I feel like this could get interesting.

Haldir smiles and steps back to his place by your right. Then the large doors open again and Vincent walks in with a small group of his own guards. This must be part of the army that Thranduil spoke of. The soldiers that Vincent had bribed to fight with him if Aragorn should one day want to make claim of the throne of Gondor. He walks right up to the steps of the throne and places one foot on the first step. Before he can step again Haldir speaks in a commanding voice.

Haldir: Stop right there your highness! No one comes any closer to the queen!

Vincent puts his arms up and takes a step back from the stairs smiling.

Vincent: I am so sorry captain, I did not know.

He directs his attention to you and takes a deep bow.

Vincent: Your highness. I come to offer you my services in these dark times. War is coming, and It would be my honour to protect you and your people.

You: Thank you your highness. It meens alot that you have come all this way to help us. But we are doing well for now, so if you and your army is needed at Gondor in these times you are free to go.

Vincent: You know me your highness, I do not take no for an answer. The armies of Mordor is growing every day, and soon they will also reach here. Mirkwood will not be safe for long, so I insist that you accept the help of Gondor.

You: Very well. I accept. I will have someone take care of your men and ready a place for you to rest.

Vincent: You are too kind your majesty. I was hoping we could talk in private, I have news of your husband and the situation in Rohan.

You feel yourself tense up. What has happened to Thranduil that he could not say here infront of everyone? And you feel a little uncomftable knowing that his private guards will be staying at the palace, when you are so few in numbers. You look over at Haldir who comes to your side. He leans in as you whisper in his ear.

You: Eyes open captain. I feel like everything is not as it seems.

You take Haldirs hand and get up from the throne. The rest of your guards all kneel as you make your way down the stairs to Vincent. You turn at the end of the stairs and make your way to a door on the left, leading to the study. Haldir opens the door, Vincent and you go inside, and you turn to Haldir.

You: Stay guard outside Haldir. I will only be a minute.

Haldir nods and stands guard outside the door to the study while you and Vincent talk. Vincent is standing by the large wooden table in the middle of the room. Intop of it are maps of all the kingdoms of middle-earth, battleplans and documents waiting for your signature. You walk over to the table and look over at Vincent who is studying the maps.

You: What do you know about my husband? Is he alright?

Vincent: When we rode to Rohan just a few days ago, there was nothing left. Just bodies and ruin. If you have heard nothing from him, then I am afraid he has fallen like all the rest of them. I am so sorry Odette.

You feel your heart break and you fight to hold back your tears. You direct your attention to the maps on the table and study the kingdom of Rohan.

You: What about Helm's Deep? I know Rohan has fled there before when times were hard. Maybe they can still be there? We should send out someone to look for them!

Vincent: Odette... he is gone. You have to think about yourself and your kingdom. You need to come back to Gondor with me. Only there can I truly protect you and your people. You are not safe here!

You: My place is here with my people!

You turn around holding back your tears. Vincent moves in closer and stands infront of you. He tilts up your chin to meet his eyes.

Vincent: You have become a strong and wise queen. But I know you are in pain. Please let me take the pain away, and let me protect you. I never stopped loving you Odette, and I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe.

You turn and walk away from him as he leans down to kiss you. You know you need his help, but you wont give yourself to him like this.

Vincent: I know I have hurt you in the past my love. And I remember you saying that you did not belive in the prophecy on the tapestry in Rivendell. You said that times would never be so dark, that you would marry me. But now times have changed my dear. And times are truly dark for all of us. Please just... give me a chance to love you. Let us save middle-earth and your people... together.

You sigh and turn back to face him.

You: I am sorry Vincent... I cant. I love my husband, and even if he truly is gone I will find another way to protect my people. I will write to Thorin in Erebor, and ask for his help. He will know what to do. If you choose to leave because I do not want to marry you I understand. But I do appreciate you coming here to protect me. You are not the man I thought you were.

Vincent comes close to you and strokes your cheek softly, looking deep into your eyes. How could a man change so much in so little time. This man who used to scare you too the core just by looking at you, could now make you feel a warmth and comfort you never knew exicted.

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