CHAPTER 14 - The note

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Its the night before the banquet, and you are sitting in bed finishing the last pages of the book you got from Thranduil. Just as you turn to the last page a small maple leaf falls out from the covers of the book. You pick it up and place it in your hand. It is so beautiful, just as you remember the forest in Mirkwood. Then you look at the last page in the book, and you can see a small message is written down in the corner.

My dearest Odette. I have missed you so much these last few years. I know that you will soon find yourself a husband, and that I might not get to spend that much time with you as I would have liked. All I want is for you to be happy with your new life. But I hope that you will not forget me, and that you know that you will always have a home at Mirkwood, if you should ever need it. Your always.


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