CHAPTER 33 - The other woman

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Its the night off the ball and you are so exited to finally have a fun evening with the people you love. Friends, family and allies from all over middle-earth has arrived, ready to laugh, dance and drink. You are wearing a formfitted gold and nude dress, matching with Thranduils golden cape for the evening. Thranduil is sitting on his big wooden throne and you sit next to him as you greet the guests. After a while you all move to the ballroom where drinks are handed  out, and people start to mingle.

You suddenly feel Thranduils hand rest on your butt, and you move slightly away from his hoping nobody saw. He gives you a smile and whispers in your ear.

Thranduil: You look beautiful by queen.

You: Thank you my king. But can you please try to keep your hands to yourself this evening? There are family around, and I dont want them seeing you touching me like that.

You giggle and tease while fixing Thranduils uniform collar.

Thranduil: I will try my love, but I make no promisses. Now let me get you another drink.

Thranduil walks away to get you a glass of champagne and you look around to see if you can spot any friends. Then you see Thorin coming towards you.

Thorin: Hello my dear. Is everything all right?

You: Yes Thorin, now that you are here.

You give Thorin a kiss on the cheek and he smiles down at you. Then you notice he is still wearing your hairclip on his chest. You reach out and touch it.

You: I remember the night I gave you this. You were so handsome, and it was so nice to finally see your father again. How are you holding up?

You knew that his father had just passed away a few weeks ago, and you felt so sad for Thorin who now had no one left of his family.

Thorin: I miss him. He.. was all I had left.

You: You will always have me, you know that.

You put your hand on Thorins cheek stroking him gently, and he takes it and kisses it.

Thorin: Thank you my dear. I know. Now where is that husband of yours? Its not like him to leave you unprotected.

You: I am in my own castle Thorin. How much protection do I need? He is just over there getting me something to drink.

You point over to the bar where you last saw Thranduil, but he is no longer there.

You: Thats strange. I swear he was there a minutte ago.

Thorin: I am sure he will be back soon. In the meantime, why dont we dance.

You: Dancing sounds wonderful.

Thorin takes your hand, and you walk to the dancefloor.

Thranduil saw you were almost out of your favourite champagne, so he went down to the wine cellar to get some more. He could have had one of the servants to do it, but he did not mind going himself. After looking through the shelves for a long time he finally finds two bottles hidden in the back. He grabs them and starts to head back upstairs when he is stopped by a familiar face.

Margaery: Oh.. hello your majesty.

Thranduil: Lady Margaery. How nice to see you. What are you doing down here?

Margaery: I could ask you the same my lord.

Thranduil: Well it is my wine cellar, and I was just getting a couple more bottles for the party.

Margaery laughs and walkes past Thranduil further into the wine cellar. Thranduil puts the bottles down at a table and turns around, wondering what she is doing there.

Margaery: She really is a lucky woman, your wife.

Thranduil: I am the lucky one. Is there anything you need my lady?

Maraery: The question my lord... is there anything you need?

Margaery walkes slowly over to Thranduil and glides her hand up and down his chest. Looking lustfully into his eyes. Thranduil removes her hand and takes a step back.

Thranduil: I have everything I need my lady.

Margaery: I am not so sure my lord. I saw you two earlier. She pulled away when you touches her. I mean...your wife is a beauty to question. But can she alone satisfy you I wonder? I can make you feel pleasure in ways you did not know were possible.

She takes her hand and strokes it along his face, but he grabs her wrist firmly and push it away.

Thranduil: How dare you! I love my wife, and she is all that I will ever need. And I am all she will ever need.

Thranduil turns around and starts to leave.

Margaery: Then why is she upstairs dancing with Thorin just now?

Thranduil: They are close friends, nothing more.

Margaery: That is not what it looked like. Kissing him, stroking his cheek, dancing so close to him.

Thranduil does not respond and just stand there thinking about you and Thorin alone together. He trusts you with all his heart, but he also knows that Thorin loved you. And that he wanted you for himself. Margaery walks infront of Thranduil and looks up at his face.

Margaery: I know it hurts my lord, but you need someone like me who understands a mans needs. I could be there for you when you need something more than just a pretty face to pleasure you.

Margaery crashes her lips into Thranduils and kisses him passionatly. Before he has time to react he hears a sad voice behind him.

You: Thra...Thranduil?

He pushes Margaery away and turn around to see you with tears in your eyes. Margaery stands behind him, biting her bottom lip, smiling at you.

Thranduil: Odette I...

You put your hands up as he starts to move towards you.

You: Dont!

You run out of the wine cellar crying, and go straight to your room. Thranduil runs after you into the suite, but you lock the bedroom door so he cant get in to where you are, crying on the bed.

Thranduil: Please Odette! Let me explain!

You: Go away! There is nothing you can say!

Thranduil: She kissed ME! I did not plan for this to happen.

You dont respond. You know only what you saw, and you feel like your heart has been ripped right out of your chest. How could he do this to you? After all you had been through to be together, and still you were not enough for him?

Thranduil: Say something please! I cant loose you. You are my life, my hopes and my dreams. Please my love just.... just say something.

You are so angry you could punsh through a wall. You jump out of bed, unlock and rip open the door. You look angery at Thranduil and push your finger hard at his chest, and he backs up agains the wall. Almost looking afraid of you. He has never seen you like this before, and he does not know how to respond.

You: Now you listen to me! I will go to bed alone, you will sleep on the sofa! I do not want to hear a word from you the whole night, and we might talk in the morning if I have not strangled you in your sleep! You got that!?

Thranduil nods and you head back into the bedroom locking the door behind you. This was not the evening you were hoping for, and you did not know what to belive. Was this his secret lover? Were you not enough for him? Or was it really just as he had said? That she kissed him. Your tears had stopped, and you just lay on the bed thinking about how much you loved this man. If he was telling the truth, you had no reason to be mad at him. But how could you know for sure?

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