CHAPTER 58 - The women of Gondor

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Inside the great castle at the top of Minas Tirith, women and children were gathered to keep safe during the battle. You and Thorin help make sure that there are water and blankets for everyone, and also make sure a few guards stay behind incase you would need protection. After a few hourse you hear a battle horn outside the castle, and you know that the enemy is near. You find Thorin just as he is about to leave the castle, to gather his men and protect the gates of the city. He smiles down on you while you brush away a strand of hair from his face.

You: Thank you Thorin.

Thorin: For what?

You: Everything. Being here for me after... all that has happened.

Thorin: I would never abandon you when you need me the most. I love you. And I always will.

You look down and see your hairclip on his uniform chest.

You: I know.

You give Thorin a kiss and the cheek, and he heads out the castle door with his men. You stand there for a long time, completly alone with your hand on the door. You can hear the sound of battle drums, and swords beeing drawn. They armies of Mordor are here, and you snap out of your trance. You look behind you and see the women and children holding on to eachother with fear in their eyes. All these people could loose their fathers, brothers, husbands and lovers. And all they could do was wait, and listen to the horrible battle going on outside.

Just then, something in you snapped. You were not their queen, but you felt that you were responsibel for them somehow. They had no king thanks to you, and were not about to loose yours. You cannot stand by and wait without doing anything. You are not going to loose your husband today, not ever. You then turn to one of your royal guards by the door.

You: Is there an armoury in this castle somewhere?

Guard: Yeees my queen... just through those doors and at the end of the hall....but I dont see why...

You dont bother to hear him finish, once you know where the armoury is. You pick up your dress and run down the hallway towards the room at the end. You open the door and find the armoury with almost no weapons or armours left inside. But you will just have to manage. You pull off your dress, not caring if anyone walks inn on you, and you put on a pair of brown pants and a loose white shirt. There is a sharp pain as you pull the tight pants over your tigh, but you push throwing it. You look throug the weapons that are left and you put on a leather holster with six steel daggers. You also find a bow and put a quiver full of arrows on your back. You put on a pair of brown boots and pull your hair back in a high ponytail before you head out the door. You run back out to the hall and stand before the big castle doors. You turn around when a lady comes up to you and places a hand on your shoulder.

Lady: What are you doing? You cannot go out there, they will kill you.

You: I cannot stand here and do nothing. My husband and my friends are out there. My guards will stay here and protect you all.

Lady: Your guards? You are her arent you? The queen of Mirkwood that killed our king? You killed Vincent.

You though nobody knew. But it seemed that word had traveled quick. You could not deny it. You had killed Vincent, and left Gondor and its people without a king.

You: Yes I did. I did not meen to, but he was...

Before you can say anything else the lady throws herself around you and hugs you. You flinched, thinking she would be more likely to hit you. But when you felt her hugging you, your eyes widened with shock. Why was she hugging you?

Lady: Thank you so much you majesty. You have no idea what that man has done to this kingdom. What he did... to me. Thank you.

You pulled away from the hug. Looking at the lady with worried eyes.

You: Did... did he hurt you?

Lady: He hurt a lot of us.

You look up and see that some other ladies are now also standing infront of you. You see the struggle in their eyes, and feel their pain. You dont ask what he did to them, because you already knew what it was from the look in their eyes. He was truly a monster, and no king at all. Just a coward with a crown.

You: He cannot hurt you any longer. Stay safe, and this battle will soon be over. You will have a worthy king one day. I can feel it. Now I must go out there and help mine.

She smiled at you and gave you a nod, and you stroked her cheek before you turned back around to face the door. The guards at the door look at you with pride in their eyes. They knew their queen, and the strenght of her heart. You give them a nod and they open the door for you.

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