CHAPTER 60 - The letter

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The Fellbeast had already flew you quite a distanse, but you can see you are not to far of the ground. You pull out a dagger that has been hidden in your booth, and you stab the beast where he in holding you. The beast screams and drops you to the ground. You crash into the hard field, and it knocks the air out of you. You vision begins to blure and you try not to pass out. After a while you get to your feet, and try to see where Thranduil and the other are. You cannot see them anywhere, but you know they cannot be to far away. You then see the large Fellbeast coming back, and it lands infront of you. You back up as you see the Nazgûl rider stepping down from the beast and makes his way toward you. You pick up a sword of the ground and get ready to fight.

Nazgûl: Give up she-elf. There is no escaping the dark lord.

You: Get away from me! What do you want?

Nazgûl: The dark lord wants you. He was not pleased when Gandalf blocked him out from your mind. Your mind and body belongs to him.

He takes a few steps closer to you and you point your sword at him.

You: Dont come any closer or I will kill you. Tell your master, he can go to hell.

Nazgûl: You can tell him that yourself when I bring you to him. He has requested that I bring you to him alive. But he did not say I could not hurt you. And no man can kill me.

The Nazgûl rider takes out a large steel mace and a chain. You know that you have no way of winning this fight, but you will not be taken away to be tortured at the hands of the dark lord.

You: Luckely for me, I am no man.

You take a deep breath before you charge the large worrior infront of you. He easily dodges you as you try and strike him with your sword. He then tries to strike you with the large mace, and you bearly manage to duck underneath it. Then when you raise your sword again, he whips the steel chain at your sword so that it gets stuck, and he pulls the sword from your hands. You stand there defenceles without a weapon, and he walk over to you and strikes you across the face with his iron glove. Causing you to fall onto the ground in great pain. You are laying on your stomack, when he puts your hands behind your back and starts to tie them together with another chain. You head is spinning from the punch, but you still try to shake him of you. He puts his knee in your back, grabs your hair as he roars in your ear.

Nazgûl: Stay still or else I will slit your throat!

Just then he lets go of your hair and you feel his weight leave your body. You hear fighting and you look behind you to see what is going on. You then see the Nazgûl rider fighting against a tall knight with silver white hair. Haldir has come to your rescue once again. You try to get your hands free from the chains to help Haldir, but you dont have the strenght to break free. You can see that Haldir is already hurt, and there is blood coming out from the side of his armour. He is struggeling to keep on his feet, and the Nazgûl rider seemes to have the upper hand. Then three Mirkwood soldiers comes to Haldirs aid and starts to fight back the Nazgûl rider.  While they are fighting, Haldir runs over to you and unties you hands. He is kneeling beside you and cups your face in his hands, looking at your red cheek.

Haldir: Are you alright my queen? Are you hurt?

You: No I am fine. Thanks to you captain, as always.

Haldir: We must get you out of here.

Haldir starts to pull you up of the ground, but he falls back down on his knees and his hand quickly goes to his side where he is bleeding.

You: No we need to get you help. You are bleeding badly.

Haldir: Dont worrie about me. I'll be fine my queen.

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