CHAPTER 32 - The lion (+18)

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The next few months went by so quickly. You and Thranduil spendt every moment you could in eachothers arms, and were loving your new life together. You were slowly getting more and more used to your political duties as queen, and you were actually finding it very rewarding to see all the changes you could make for the people of Mirkwood. You had in a very short time become a beloved queen by your people, and were not afraid to show your love for them whatever their rank or upbringing. The people had also noticed a change in their kings behavior. He would spend more time in the village and not so much locked away in the castle, training and studying. He was also not afraid to show his affection for you in public. The once cold and serious king would now laugh and kiss his queen, not caring who saw him. He was truly a changed man.

One day, while you were reading a book in the garden, Thranduil sneaks up behind you and scares you with a roar. Causing you to jump and drop the book on the uground. You pick up the book and turn around to give him an angry stare.

You: WHAT... do you think you are doing?!

Thranduil: I am a lion. And I just found my prey.

Thranduil walks towards you, smiling and biting his lower lip. Looking truly like a hungry lion. You laugh as he diggs his teeth in your neck. Kissing and biting you playfully. You take the book and hit him on the arm.

You: Stop it!

Thranduil: Please just one bite. You just look so tasty.

You pull him close by his collar, and kiss him passionatly.

Thranduil: Thats much better. I like the way you taste my queen.

You: I like the way you taste my king. Now... was there anything else you wanted from your queen? Except scare her half to death?

Thranduil: Well yes. I was thinking. Since you do have that wardrobe with all those amazing dresses, I might be time to use one of them. A ball perhaps?

You: Are you planning on throwing a ball? YES! I love you! I need to dance, I need people, I need champagne.

Thranduil knows that you have been craving a party for a long time now. And he really wants to show off his queen to the world. He smiles and wraps his hands around your waist as he kisses you softly.

You: So when?

Thranduil: In a week. I have already sendt out the invitations, and there are a lot of people coming. So all I need from you is help picking out the decorations, and choosing wich food to serve. Can you do that for me my queen?

You: I am on it my king. This will be a night to remember, I promise you.

Tharanduil: I know it will. And I am so looking forward to dancing with you again. I dont think we have truly danced since the wedding.

You: No, but we have been very busy doing other lovely things since the wedding. Havent we?

Thranduil: Yes we have. And we have been getting quite good at it too. I think we have time to do «lovely things» now before dinner. If my queen is up for it that is?

You: Maybe... but you will have to catch me first my king.

You pull Thranduils robe over his head and run inside the castle. He pulls the robe aside and runs after you. You see him getting closer as you run down the hall toward your room. When you get inside you hide behind the curtains of your suite. Thranduil comes in and locks the door behind him. He walks slowly back and forth, while he talks in a calm and deep voice.

Thranduil: Where are you my love? Your king comands you to step forward. The lion will get very angry if his pray does not show herself. Come out my love and I wont hurt you. But if you stay hidden I will punish you when I find you.

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