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never underestimate the enemy with a cause.

      "WHO IS TRISTAN, AGAIN?" Dominic asked skeptical by the name, who he exactly was to Eden, and why the wanted to meet out of the blue.

      "He's the leader of an infamous group of vampires called The Strix." Eden spoke with disgust. They were an 'elite' group (as Tristan liked to describe it) of vampire who needed a past time to pride their ego.

      "Which comes from the bloodline of Elijah Mikaelson. Obviously, we can see why." Eden remarked, sending her friend a look in which he agreed.

      "Anyways, a few years ago, Tristan figured out I was a witch. Asked me to join the coven and lead other young witches." Eden informed her friend.

"I denied his offer. He didn't take it well. He sent some of his finest men and women after us." Dominic stood in thought before it all came together for him.

     "Steven in Montreal? The man you killed? He worked for the Strix?!" Dominic asked shocked by what he learned. Eden nodded her head.

She had remember Steven. He was a really tall muscular man, who was the only member of the Strix to get near them. Eden had prided herself when she had the opportunity to torture him. She enjoyed it to say the least.

"No wonder we left quicker than usual." Dominic sighed out from the news he had just received.

      "Then you should let me go!" Dominic chimed in quickly. Eden was waiting for when he'd volunteer to be vampire body guard.

"Sorry Dommy," Eden quickly excused. "This is a personal matter for the adults."

Eden reached for the door, Dominic appeared in her line of sight, causing Eden to be annoyed.

"Don't treat me like i'm a child, Eden." He demanded seriously. Eden glared in his eyes before resorting to a sigh.

      "I don't. I'm keeping you safe. There's a significant difference." She moved around Dominics figure heading out the front door.


Eden sat with her legs crossed, as the fresh breeze flew through her hair. She took a sip of the coffee from a cafe as she awaited Tristan De Martel. She wasn't surprised he came running back for her help. Although, she didn't admit it happened a lot sooner than expected.

𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒 𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓,  klaus mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now