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we all fall together.

EDEN FLUTTERED HER eyes open to the sound of her phone ringing. Niklaus groaned at the sound, shifting his head from side to side. Eden sat up straight, reaching for the phone on the coffee table. She looked at the caller ID, that read Freya's name in bold letters.

Eden turned back to Niklaus who oddly stared at the name on Eden's phone. Eden answered it, putting it on speaker.

"Good morning, Freya. What seems to be the issue today?" Eden spoke out loud, rubbing her hand against her eye.

"Do you know where Klaus is?" Freya quickly questioned, through the phone. Eden glanced at Klaus who gave her a smirk, earning an eye roll from Eden.

"No, I have not seen your brother." Eden responded eying Klaus who seemed unamused.

"Well, he's not here in the compound. He left last night, and hasn't returned back." Freya informed Eden with a worried tone.

"Klaus probably needed a moment for himself after everything. I'm sure he's fine." Eden assured Freya, standing up from the couch and staring at Klaus; Assuring her Niklaus was fine without sharing that he was currently sitting on her couch.

"I need your help for a spell. I have a bad feeling and I know with your power, we can figure out whether my instincts are right." Freya quickly changed the topic at hand, to one of a serious matter.

"Yeah, no problem. I'll be on my way." Eden spoke, hanging up on the call. She stuffed the phone in the back of her pocket, crossing her arms after. "Your family is worry."

"I don't feel like interacting with them at the moment." Klaus bluntly responded, with a stern look on his face.

"You can't avoid your home, Nik." Eden sighed out, heading over to her coat that was thrown on her couch.  "You'll eventually have to go back, whether you forgive your brother or not."

Klaus glanced at Eden who stood beside the door, her hand holding the door knob. "I'll see you over there!"


Freya muttered a spell pouring a small jar of blood over a map of New Orleans. Freya's concerns were confirmed. Klaus enemies were all heading to New Orleans to finally enact their revenge fantasies. Telling the rest of the Mikaelsons these news put them all on edge. Ready for whatever may come their way.

𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒 𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓,  klaus mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now