32. Decoding a Cryptex

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Post Date: 02.02.21

Word count: 2.2k

Based off: 04x13 "Into the Wild" | 04x14 "Down the Rabbit Hole"


The next morning I woke up to rustling throughout the house. Probably everyone getting ready for the trip. I get dressed and hurry down to make sure I can say goodbye before they leave.

"Hey, guys," I say heading down the stairs. No one really said anything as they were making sure they had everything they need.

"Hey, you sure you don't want to come?" Elena asks.

"Yeah, I just need a break," I say.

"Ok, well don't get in too much trouble here," Elena says.

"Be careful out there," I say. I say bye to everyone else as they head out of the door.

"I promise I won't throw any crazy parties here or destroy it," I say to the Salvatore brothers.

"Just be safe with everything going on," Damon says.

"I think you need to hear that more than me," I say before pushing him outside, knowing the strict schedule they're on.

Since there wasn't much to do and Klaus was still locked away in Elena's house I decided to have a chill day. I spent most of the day just relaxing and doing some drawings. As much as I hated it connected me to Klaus, it was still the only thing that could distract me, plus music.

Everything was quiet and calm until I got a from Tyler about an emergency at Elena's house. The first thought that ran through my head was 'what is he doing there?', but the second was 'if he's calling, it's bad'. As soon as I got there I found Caroline laying on the couch with Tyler next to her.

"What the hell did you do?" I asked walking up to the barrier keeping Klaus in. Klaus didn't speak a word but just smiled, with blood-stained teeth.

"He bit her," Tyler says.

"You are soo lucky you're stuck in there," I say before turning to Caroline and Tyler.

"Oh my god. Oh my god," Caroline says freaking out.

"Look at me. I can fix this," Tyler says.

"How? The only thing that can heal me is his blood" She says looking at Klaus.

"I know. We'll fix it," I say trying to gain Caroline's attention. She nods trying to keep calm.

"She'll die if you don't heal her," Tyler says.

"Okay," Klaus says before biting into his own wrist. "Beg me to save her life," He says presenting his wrist.

"Really Klaus?" I say.

"Is this what you want? To remind me that I'm powerless against you? Fine. You win. I'm nothing. Now, save her. Please," Tyler says.

"I'm sorry, mate. I didn't quite catch that," Klaus says as I roll my eyes.

"Please," Tyler repeats.

"Please..." Klaus trails off.

"Can you just stop with your petty bullshit, Klaus?" I say but he ignores me.

"Please, save her life," Tyler repeat again.

"See, now I just think you're telling me what I wanna hear. I mean you did call me pathetic earlier. And wouldn't it be more pathetic of me to help now knowing that hours ago, you announced your plan to kill me in a manner in which you're still debating because you want it to have a certain amount of flair? I'm just asking," Klaus says.

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