13. Successes

239 5 1

Post Date: 07.28.20

Word count: 3.1k

Based off: 03x05 "The Reckoning"


The next morning we arrive in Mystic Falls. We spend the day just hanging about and keeping an eye on what everyone was up to. It pained me that I couldn't warn them or at least say hi to them. I was at least happy that Klaus didn't make me do his bidding and spy on them for him.

Once nightfall came Klaus had taken the truck to the back of the school and had his sister, Stefan and I wait for whatever he had planned. I sat waiting impatiently for Stefan to wake up as Rebekah starred out the back.

"So, I'm curious. How did you get involved with my brother's and what is this promise that was mentioned?" Rebekah asks not moving a muscle.

"You Mikaelson's just don't give up huh. I met your brother's a few years back after triggering my curse. I stayed for a while until I needed to start over which clearly didn't work out. As for the promise," I sigh. "I promised Elijah to keep Klaus under control. But I clearly can't." I explain.

"So why not leave?" She asks.

"Do you really think Klaus will let me leave. Why do you think I'm still here?" I ask slightly annoyed. The next thing I hear is a grunt and shift from Stefan, as he wakes up.

"Oh, he lives," Rebekah says turning back towards me and Stefan.

"What happened?" Stefan questions.

"You took a beating," Rebekah responds.

"Klaus has been breaking your neck all afternoon. Quite the temper." I add.

"Why did he bring us back to Mystic Falls?" Stefan questions next as he starts to get up.

"You can stop playing dumb now. It didn't take him long enough to figure out what you'd been hiding, " Rebekah says shifting her gaze between you and Stefan.

"I'm not hiding anything. I've done everything Klaus has asked me to," Stefan responds back.

"No, you just failed to mention that the doppelganger's still alive," Rebekah explains. You notice as Stefan is taken aback a bit and pushes off the confrontation.

"Where is Klaus now?" Stefan asks.

"With any luck, ripping that cow's bloody head off," Rebekah responds. I sit clenching my fists wanting to punch Rebekah but stay still knowing I can't take her. The next thing you notice is Stefan rushing Rebekah slamming her onto the concrete.

"Where is she?" He questions madly as I jump out of the truck.

"You really do love her, don't you?" Rebekah questions back before pushing Stefan against the truck and punching him. "Consider me jealous," She says before plunging something into Stefan's stomach.

Rebekah soon leaves after stabbing Stefan. You wanted to go after her but cared for Stefan more, "Go after her, I'll be fine." Steffan grunts.

"No, I'll get her in a moment. Or she'll be back for us soon enough," I say as I start to pull the crowbar out of Stefan's torso.

"Just go find Elena make sure she's safe, I'll get this out myself," Stefan says grasping as his stomach.

I make my way into the school and quickly make my way through the halls. I begin to become frustrated as I can't find anyone. I take a moment and stop to listen for anything, and soon enough I pick up Klaus' voice and follow it. I make it into the gymnasium not too far after Rebekah, who has Tyler in hand.

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