07. Bodysnatcher

271 7 0

Post Date: 05.31.20

Word count: 2.9k

Based off: 02x18 "The Last Dance"


I wake up to Damon shaking me awake, "Hey we gotta get ready for the lawyer to come over," He says softly shaking me awake.

"Could you knock instead of waking me up from my bed?" I ask groggily.

"I did and you didn't wake up," He responds.

"Ok, well you and Stefan are the only ones that need to leave the house. I'll just meet Elena downstairs." I say, a bit more awake.

Damon leaves my room as I start to get up and get ready to meet Elena downstairs. Elena texts me to let me know that Bonnie was meeting us at the house. I make my way downstairs and find Damon, Stefan, and Elena downstairs. We all hang out for a bit until we hear a knock at the door. Elena opens it up to greet the lawyer, while Stefan and Damon step out. He starts the process of transferring the Salvatore house deed to Elena.

As Elena and the lawyer continue with the deed I go and open the door for Bonnie, " Hey, they're almost done," We walk over to the table where Elena and the lawyer are and sit down.

"Please sign here and here," The lawyer says and Elena starts to sign.

"So this place is all yours? They just gave it to you?" Bonnie asks Elena.

"For now. As sole owner, I'm the only one who can invite a certain type of person in here, if you know what I mean." Elena hints at vampires but without suspicion.

"Your own personal safe house," Bonnie says wondering if that the reason for this.

"That's the idea," Elena states.

"This place would be a pain in the ass to clean, I can barely keep the room I have here clean," I say as Bonnie and Eleana laugh.

The lawyer finishes up with Elena and I follow them to the door, "Thank you, Mr. Henry," Elena says as the lawyer heads out. Elena starts to walk away as Stefan and Damon walk up to the doorway but are kept out from the invisible wall.

"I'm sorry. I completely forgot," She turns around to the brothers. "Stefan, Would you like to come inside my house?" She asks.

"I would love to. Thank you," Stefan steps inside.

"What are we twelve?" Damon asks, clearly annoyed at the fact that he has to be invited into his own house.

"One of us is. If I let you in, do you promise to obey the owner of this house?"


"Damon, just do it. Unless you want to be locked out of your house." I inject.

"Seriously, Damon. My way. You promised. I call the shots. No lies, no secret agendas. Remember?"

"Yes, Elena. Sure," Damon reluctantly agrees and walks in as Elena invites him in.

I head upstairs to grab my school bag and meet everyone back downstairs, "Wait, where are you going?" Stefan asks as I make my way back into the great room.

"To school," Elena responds like it's obvious.

"No, no, no. We didn't create a safe house for you to leave it." Damon states.

"Yeh, guys, Klaus is out there. We know that." Stefan agrees with his brother.

"Right, but where? No one knows. Look, I really appreciate what you guys are doing. And I'll be able to sleep at night knowing that I'll be safe here, but I'm not going to be a prisoner." Elena responds.

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