24. House Arrest

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Post Date: 11.03.20

Word count: 3.4k

Based off: 04x03 "The Rager"


The next morning I woke up and head school not thinking of the previous night. I met up with Elena and Stefan in the hall before we headed to history, unsure of what to find since Alaric had died.

"So first time we've been back in Alaric's classroom," Stefan says breaking the awkward silence.

"The first period and I'm ready to ball my eyes out," Elena says as I squeeze her hand.

"Morning everyone," Rebekah says bursting into the classroom.

"And just like that, I'm no longer feeling sentimental," Elena says sliding down into her seat.

"So I'm throwing a little anti-curfew party at my new house. Starts in the fifth period, goes to whenever. Spread the word. You're welcome to join Elena, if you'd like to bury the hatchet," Rebekah says making her way over to us and setting a flyer on Elena's desk.

"It's a pretty enormous hatchet," Elena says.

"Well, I'm feeling generous of spirit," Rebekah responds.

"New house, huh? Did your brother finally kick you out?" Elena asks.

"He didn't kick me out. I left," Rebekah says.

"So you left the only person on earth that actually likes you?" Elena asks.

"Well, your boyfriend like me once. Actually a lot more than once," Rebekah says.

"Why are you still in town, Rebekah? Don't you have anywhere else to go?" Stefan asks.

"Well, history's my favorite class. Actually, where is Mr. Saltzman? Oh, that's right," Rebekah says. "I killed him," She whispers. Elena then throws a pencil at her but Rebekah quickly catches it and throws it right into Elena's shoulder. Elena pulled it out and heads out of the classroom while Stefan follows her.

"Really Rebekah? You played that card?" I ask her. She just smiles and sits in her seat. I thankfully made it through the rest of the school day and Elena did as well. As I was heading out I received a text.

Tyler: Hey, can you come to my house?

Me: Yeh, I'll be over there in a bit.

I head over to Tyler's and as soon as I walk in I find two unknown men standing in the entryway.

"Hello?" I say confused as to where Tyler was.

"Hello...love," I hear an all to familiar voice say. My heart stops as soon as I see Klaus walking out alive and well. I try to leave the house but Klaus quickly moves in front of me.

"Look, I came here because Tyler asked me to," I say but not shifting my gaze from the floor.

"Actually I asked. But I figured you wouldn't respond to my text and calls so I had Tyler do it," He says.

"Ok, so why am I here? I'm sure you couldn't forgive me after what I did? Did you ask me here to torture me? Kill me?" I ask but still looking at the floor.

"He won't kill you," Tyler says coming into the entryway. "He can't make any more hybrids, probably why he asked you to come. So you could be on house arrest like me," Tyler says.

"I'm not gonna be kept prisoner here by you, Klaus. Again," I say and try to move past Klaus but he stops me. "What do you want from me? If you're not gonna kill me or torture me, then what do you want?" I ask finally looking at Klaus.

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