20. One More Loss

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Post Date: 09.29.20

Word count: 2k

Based off: 03x20 "Do Not Go Gentle"


It was the night of the decade dance and as much as I didn't want to go. I knew I needed something to distract me. As soon as I woke up, I got a text from Caroline asking me to help with finishing touches for the dance. Again, another thing to distract me. Plus I think Caroline would kill me if I didn't help. I get ready and head over to the school.

"So Alaric is trying to pull himself together. Why is that a bad thing?" Caroline asks Elena as she makes her rounds.

"Just I wish there was something I could do. Where do you want me to hang this thing?" Elena asks picking up a small chandelier.

"You know what?" Caroline takes the chandelier from Elena. "If Rebekah wanted to hang this monstrosity, she should have shown up to do it herself. Just no," Caroline hands the chandelier to a girl. "What are you doing?" Caroline asks Matt and Jeremy as you and Elena sort the drinks. "You can't just hang them. They're supposed to trickle down," Carline says as Matt mocks her. "Look at them all bromancey," Caroline says as she watches the boys hang the stars.

"Yeah, I asked Matt to help Jeremy readjust. He got him his old job back at the Grill," Elena explains.

"That was nice of him," I say still organizing the snack table with Elena.

"Mm-hmm. Jeremy's got a lot on his mind. The whole thing with Alaric has got him really stressed out," Elena says.

"You sure it had nothing to do with witnessing you and Damon getting hot and heavy in a skeevy motel?" Caroline asks as I raise my eyebrows in agreement.

"I didn't tell you guys that so you could torture me with it," Elena says.

"Ah, what are friends for?" I ask as we laugh together.

"So who are you two bringing to the dance?" Caroline asks.

"What do you mean?" Elena asks throwing a black boa over her shoulders.

"I thought us three and Bonnie were going as girl dates," I add.

"Bonnie has a date," Caroline says.

"What?" Elena asks just as confused as I am.

"Jamie called and wanted to see her, so she asked him," Caroline explains. "So here's a thought. Why don't you ask Stefan, Elena? And Athena, ask Klaus?" Caroline suggests.

"You're joking right?" I ask back in a more serious tone.

"Yes I'm kidding, but you could always ask Jeremy or Matt as like a friend date," Caroline chuckles.

"I don't know. I'm fine on my own," I respond.

"Well, if not I'd be glad to be your honorary date," Caroline says.

"I'll keep that in mind, thanks," I respond.

"Well whatever you choose, I want you to have fun. Elena?" Caroline says shifting her eyes to Elena.

"I--I can't ask him on a date. I just made out with his brother," Elena says making her voice quieter.

"All the more reason. Like you're supposed to be figuring out what you want. That's what Stefan wanted you to do, right?" Caroline asks.

"Yeah, but--" Elena starts.

"But nothing. I've watched 'The Bachelor' Ok, fair is fair. It is Stefan's turn," Caroline says.

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